
Saturday, March 12, 2022

ET Scavengers cleared from Solar System and Dyson Spheres

Image from video

ET Scavengers cleared from Solar System
and Dyson Spheres
with Captain Randy Cramer

Covert Space Cowboy Randy Cramer - Part 3
Randy Cramer, Super Soldier for U.S. Marine Corps Special Sections, did a 30-year tour and is still active. Seventeen years were with the Mars Defense Force on 'Forward Station Zebra'. Thirteen years were with the Earth Defence Force and fleet; protecting Earth and the solar system.

*Learn what percentage of our solar system is NOW FREE from problematic   pirate scavenger ET species that have been coming to earth for a long time   to grab minerals, water, supplies, and worse.
*More descriptions and abilities of the two ET species Randy dealt with on   Mars
*Hear stories of his visits with Inner Earth beings and how they have   recently assisted us
*Find out how Randy found his way home piloting a non-operational fighter   spacecraft when his electronics were fried by an EMP (electromagnetic   pulse weapon)
*What’s an average day look like for Earth Defense Force pilots like Randy   when they go out and return to Nautilus (non-atmospheric universal   transport spacecraft)?
*What are space structures called Dyson Spheres?

YouTube link:

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