
Wednesday, March 09, 2022

Extraterrestrials, UFOs - Hidden History of Our Hijacked Planet

Image from video

Extraterrestrials, UFOs -
Hidden History of Our Hijacked Planet
+ Reality Perception from
Controlled Ignorance to Liberation
Part 1

This show is a gift! It has been carefully designed with quick-history cliff notes, graphics and verifiable documentation for your Children and People of ALL ages - so please SHARE far and wide! *Guaranteed you have NOT learned this in school or from T.V.

Dan Willis, an ex-ABC Newsman and US Navy Top Secret Witness, testifies to how the media and other power-brokers withheld truth disclosure of monumental importance from you, to keep you ignorant politically, scientifically, health-wise and more.

Dan is one of the Top Secret Military Witnesses who testified in 2001 at the National Press Club in Washington DC, in front of major mainstream medias. The hidden facts shared during this historical event were backed by 500 credible Military and Intelligence witness testimonials. What hidden truth? The facts of advanced technologies derived from extraterrestrial reverse engineering that have been hidden from the public for over 70 years; due to different agendas.

This knowledge, when championed by more knowledgeable public awareness would swiftly STOP further damage to our planet on EVERY level, as well as improve every person’s life in ALL ways.

Dan's personal first-hand experiences, as well as researching the historical indicators that have been purposely omitted from our educational systems and media, reveal without any doubt, an infiltration of unwarranted influences operating behind a huge web of secrecy. This secrecy and false matrix have been used to control the public's perception to form an "agreed upon reality”, and enable them to hide their multiple illegal operations.

This show will efficiently and effectively open doors for you – providing clarity and much documentation so you are less confused. This chronological "quick-class” provides for you the evidence to put the “Big Picture" pieces together in a clear-seeing & clear-thinking manner. Breaking denial and ignorance allows us to be more aware, more fearless, and more discerning; recognizing the repetitive rhetoric and manipulations used to keep the citizenry dumbed down. In other words; with new-found discernment, you can no longer be programmed, bought off, manipulated, cajoled, or bullied. You now have the true factual history, not the false and outdated history taught to you in schools and universities.

To be truly free requires you to know the truth of who you are and the truth of your history. You will never understand the truth of what has occurred without taking into account the 'Exopolitical' factors! Here are the last hundred years.

NOTE: Please read each graphic for more specific details! You can always stop at any point and go back to review.

Merrily's sites

YouTube link:

Part 2 Here

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