
Wednesday, March 23, 2022

GFW Update with Val Nek: Intergalactic Confederation

Image from video

GFW Update with Val Nek:
Intergalactic Confederation, The Alliance,
5G and Grey Reptilian Hybrids

Update from Val Nek:

The Intergalactic Confederation or Seeder race is influencing consciousness by raising the vibration on planet Terra and activating DNA. They are present in this galaxy and will remain present until the Alliance completes the production of the Star Fleet. The Seeder race is assisting the Federation and the Alliance by offering protection against the malevolent extra-terrestrial threat, the Orion Group. The 5G towers are grey alien technology that are being dismantled/reverse engineered by the Alliance with help of technology from the Galactic Federation of Worlds. They negatively influence people's brain waves and are controlled via a computer, like the Orion hive consciousness. Grey-reptilian hybrids left behind by the Reptilians are being cleared from undergrounds after being disconnected from the hive.

YouTube link:

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