
Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Hidden History of Our Hijacked Planet

Image from video

Hidden History of Our Hijacked Planet
From Controlled Ignorance to
Liberation and HEALING
Part 2

Dan Willis, with Top Secret Crypto 14 level and Extra Sensitive Material Handling Security clearances, continues sharing his passions and brilliance: Just follow the topics below and enjoy!

00:02:25 Various scientists who had successfully healed disease and built Zero Pt. Energy devices
00:03:02 Suppression of Medical Technologies and Holographic Med Bed Technologies
00:04:40 Examples of suppressed doctors and cures
00:08:29 Facts and statistics of medical education
00:11:03 3rd Reich Infiltration in the medical system
00:12:25 The International Law of “Informed Consent”
00:13:48 The Invention Secrecy Act - Suppressing over 6,000 successful beneficial technologies
00:15:00 How Med Beds Work! – Holographic ‘camera'
00:18:16 Explosive testimonies at Int’l press conference
00:19:00 Short clip movie of future of energetic healing - "Pre-formative Body"
00:20:50 Dr. Marcel Vogel; specially cut crystal geometry to augment healing and multiple inventions
00:22:40 Dr. Vogel verified Plant Communication with Humans ** View Merrily’s show “Bio-communication:Telepathy with Plants and Nature”
00:24:20 **Dr. Vogel -The Power of Pulsed Breath on Plants and Healings with Crystals - A DEMO!
00:26:14 Crystals work on Multiple Dimensions simultaneously - healing physical and subtle bodies
00:27:20 Dan describes his first meeting with Dr. Vogel
00:28:00 Dan shares his 1st extraordinary experience during a “Kundalini” - put passion into him to understand everything about Geometry and Consciousness
00:31:45 Dan receives teachings in Sacred Geometry by an ‘Emerther’ ET (see Elena Danaan's book, "We Will Never Let You Down", Pg. 196)
00:34:06 Cymatics science - How Sound creates and changes Forms
00:36:16 Water and Consciousness - Dr. Masuru Emoto **View Merrily’s show “Is Water Intelligent?”
00:37:46 52 degree facets necessary along C growth line for cut quartz to work effectively
00:39:30 Harmonics and Radionics
00:40:39 Changing the structure of regular wine to an award-winning wine with crystal input
00:43:20 Def. of Radionics - Dan built Radionic machines and Broadcast Engineer for 105.3FM
00:45:30 Stanford Research Institute programmed information as hologram into a crystal
00:46:13 Martha Hedges Crystal Skull - Merrily shares and Dr. Vogel studied it - DNA resonance
00:49:02 Dr. Ray Brown retrieved a crystal ball from an Atlantis Temple under Bermuda Triangle
00:51:45 Med Beds utilizing crystals?
00:51:58 1977 - Dan’s euphoric experience with ETs aboard a ship and Dan said, “I turn this over to my Higher Self.” He was transported through a portal from 3D to a beautiful 5th Density reality.
00:54:30 **Dan was taught the Nature of our Holographic Reality and How We Manifest Reality!
01:01:40 **Dan describes how to heal yourself and another person
01:03:03 **The Geometry Structure of the Matrix
01:03:19 **First visit with Dr. Marcel Vogel and Dan sees tumor dematerialize and a Dr’s sight restored
01:04:00 **Why and how Crystals work so well for healing
01:05:45 **Exclusion Zone-4th Phase Water - Divinia **View Merrily’s show “Is Water Intelligent?”
01:06:30 Merrily and Dan - Why Liquid-Crystal water is probably a used platform in most Med Beds
01:10:40 1950s De La Warr Camera patent that uses Sound and Light. Alex Collier and Elena said Sound and Light are used during Med Bed healings - Dominant Harmonic Resonance
01:18:37 Defining what a Hologram is
01:01:25 We have all the solutions for Regeneration and Long-Life
01:28:00 Awakening from Ignorance to Liberation - Co-creating Together
01:30:00 Everyone's a Creator. Create Reality According to Your Perceptions of Reality - Upgrade
01:32:55 **Visualize Beautiful Future on Earth. Pulse that 1x into the crystal and Know It is so!
01:36:00 View Merrily’s "Guided Journey on 4th-5th Density Earth to Create Positive Future"
01:36:35 Importance and Power of Breath as Information Transfer
01:38:55 How do the Andromedans envision the future of our human race?

YouTube link:

Part 1 Here

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