
Thursday, March 10, 2022

Regenerative Medical Beds Roll-Outs with Alex Collier and Elena Danaan

Image from video

Regenerative Medical Beds Roll-Outs
with Alex Collier and Elena Danaan

5th Density Andromedan Emissary and Galactic Historian, Alex Collier Hosted by Merrily Milmoe

* Intro to Captain Alex Collier and how he crash-landed on Terra/Earth
* Alex's two Andromedan Mentors
* Details and Roll Out plans in 2022 of the Regenerative Medical Beds and    other advancements
* Are we fixed on the Positive Timeline - for sure?
* What are the 2 most important qualities for humanity to practice now?
* Prepare to Act in Leadership - Zenatae Andromedans describe in detail    "What Leadership Is"
* Quantum computer and Financial Reset - online yet?

Pleiadian 5th Density Galactic Federation of Worlds Emissary, Elena Danaan

* Introduction to Elena Danaan
* Brief info. on one of several more basic virtual 'med beds' you can check out    free to try (Note: these are not the advanced ones Alex and Merrily are    familiar with)
* Elena shares the latest details from CDR Thor Han on Med Beds being    built for us …
* Elena shares Myrah, Exobiologist and GFW scientist from Sirius B =    exact details on how their med beds work and the ways they are helping the    rescued children and military heal on the med beds.
* Elena’s detailed personal experience having her tumor healed on a Medical    Bed in France!
For much more variety visit my other site

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