
Friday, March 04, 2022

Stargate Newsletter

March 03, 2022

[D]eep [S]tate Treason In Ukraine: Proof

In 2016 US Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham went to Ukraine to stir up war against Russia. Here is direct PROOF - they were videoed talking to Ukraine soldiers. John McCain was later executed for treason after a military tribunal. He became known as 'No Name' in the truther community because he was so widely despised for his extensive treasonous activities.

From that video...
Lindsey Graham: 'All of us (pointed to the US delegation members) will go back to Washington and we will push the case against Russia...'
John McCain: 'We will do everything we can to provide you with what you need to win...'

Contrast that video with this short clip - also from 2016. President Trump: 'Russia will not go into the Ukraine on my watch...'

Here is Lindsey Graham today urging Russians to assassinate Putin. As this Anon said, you can smell the DS panic.

Notice who is openly supporting Ukraine. Remember these [s]atanists are desperately trying to protect their main base for money laundering, drug running and child sex trafficking. No surprise that the Queen sent a 'generous donation' to Ukraine. So did her evil family members.

This little video of the NZ PM Ardern giving the [s]atanic hand signal is interesting. Yesterday I saw a video of the Ukraine PM doing that hand signal and I attempted to do it myself. It's not easy. It takes quite a bit of effort and dexterity. Try it yourself. Ardern is putting effort into signalling [D]eep [S]tate bosses. Heinous.

A notice at a pediatrican office cautions student athletes to get checked (including an ECG) because of the risk of heart damage due to the jab. Wow - finally the truth is getting out.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis talked to Fox News Tucker Carlson about urging school children at his press conference not to wear masks. Sadly, you will see in this video that several of the children still continued to wear the masks.

Here is the Florida Surgeon General telling the TRUE science about masks: 'They do NOT save lives...'

Don't forget the Ukraine 'war' is a major distraction from the TRUTH about the jab. Here is the TRUTH.
Finally, a meme that could be the Light Warrior mantra. You are NOT alone.
Several blog readers asked about sources that are used in these posts.

Rockwell's newsletter - you can be added to his email list by emailing him: (Q)The Storm Rider can be found on Telegram. Sorry, I don't have details, I am not on Telegram. Phil Godlewski is on Telegram and Rumble.

Stay positive, Light Warriors. There is a LOT happening!


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light

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