
Saturday, April 30, 2022

Space Arks and Halls of Records in Antarctica, Giza, Tibet and Bahamas

Image from video

Space Arks and Halls of Records in
Antarctica, Giza, Tibet and Bahamas

In this Exopolitics Today interview Jean Charles Moyan and Elena Danaan describe trips they both took to a Galactic Federation mothership called the Excelsior, and then to Lake Vostok in Antarctica where they witnessed a space ark with blue giants sleeping in stasis chambers. Elena describes how she was tasked by the Galactic Federation to witness Jean Charles as he toured the Lake Vostok Ark. They then describe their respective trips to a Hall of Records/Ark under the Sphinx at the Giza Complex in Egypt. Jean Charles next describes visiting space arks under Mt Kailash, Tibet and one off the coast of the Bahamas. Elena also discusses the recent news that an interstellar object crashed in the Pacific Ocean, and that this is a gift from positive extraterrestrials to awaken humanity to their existence.

YouTube link:

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