
Friday, April 08, 2022

Stargate Newsletter | Tarot By Janine: The Event

Tarot By Janine: The Event

April 07, 2022

Tarot by Janine has done a great card reading about The Event.

Janine's reading aligns with information that was channeled in The Event channeling I facilitated in December.

Janine's reading showed the potential for earthquakes, maybe a polar shift of some kind. My Event channeling talked about a 'shaking' that would hit humanity suddenly all at once.

Janine said that Light Warriors will not be afraid because they know that - despite appearances - The Event is a GOOD thing. We know that the Alliance are in FULL control. But the unaware will be absolutely terrified.

These are direct quotes from my December Event channeling...

The Event is something that no-one can explain so people start to question their reality. They will stop listening to the news because it's inexplicable...It feels like an earthquake, not necessarily a big one but a GLOBAL happens all over the world at the same time.

(Is there anything that Light Warriors need to know before it happens..?)

Just be prepared but not afraid.

(Put yourself in the moment when it happens - right now. Is it something to be afraid of...?)

No. But people will be afraid. Lightworkers will know straight away what it is and they won't be afraid. They will know.

Your neighbors will be VERY scared. And they will be even more scared that YOU are not scared. It might feel isolating, like when witches were deemed to be magic and cast out from society because they had powers and weren't afraid.

Please use your discernment, as with all channeled messages. I facilitated my Event channeling with someone I trust implicitly, whom I have regressed several times before. It was a personal regression that suddenly became a channeled message about The Event - totally unexpected.

Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


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