
Sunday, April 17, 2022

You as Starseed or Terran: Voluntary Selection Process to be Here Now! Who are Activators

Image from video

You as Starseed or Terran:
Voluntary Selection Process to be Here Now!
Who are Activators and more!

This show is my favorite so far!
We really drill down into all the detailed specifics that have not been asked or answered before. I asked Elena to take us all through - from the very beginning - when the call went out to All Us Souls — asking for volunteers who would have to pass strict tests beforehand -- be willing to go to Earth because she and the galaxy needed to be liberated!
You learn Why, Who, Where, How and When this journey you are on started - right now!
You will also learn the 2 ways of incarnating: What SPECIFIC GROUP was in charge to help and How - with our free will you incarnate to Earth.
You will learn the two kinds of hybrids.
You will learn the natural way of a soul and the forced way.
You will learn what needs to happen to have MED BEDS here.
You will also learn what Human Activators are and who they are specifically! We name names!
You will discover how YOU, if you are not a Starseed but rather an Earthling or Terran Human, are designed with DNA and have incredible power……and much more!
Your future is Bright!

YouTube link:

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