
Thursday, June 09, 2022

13 Oceanic, Hound Dog and Raptor Species Discuss Treaty Rights with Earth Humans

Image from video

13 Oceanic, Hound Dog and Raptor Species
Discuss Treaty Rights with Earth Humans
Jo Ann Richards, Part 1

The first Human and ET Interstellar Treaty Conference on Earth took place in Exeter, England in 1961. Human beings, along with many ET species had to scientifically prove that they were indigenous to earth, in order to maintain rights to Earth … A Big Deal!

Jo Ann shares fascinating and eye-opening stories involving Raptor Prince Naga Draconis of the Imperial Fleet (think 'Jurassic World' Raptors = for real!) with Captain Loyd Richards. These two indigenous species conspired together to no longer remain enemies or use humans for food ... Another Big Deal!

Jo Ann Richards is a journalist and Executive Director of the educational non-profit 'Earth Defense Headquarters'. Her husband Captain Mark Richards, US Navy, and his father, Ellis Lloyd Richards, Jr. US Air Force Major, were soldiers in a top-level military space command, that performed intelligence operations since World War II. Many special ops included on-world and off-world contact with various humanoid and non-humanoid species. Richards oversaw the security for this entire conference as well as the following Interstellar Convention in 1971. (See Part 2)

List of attendees included Royalty, V.P. Johnson, and well-known names in all areas of academic expertise. A hundred different species were in attendance; all with different needs, food requirements, and many requiring unique self-contained environs; especially Earth's six sentient water species. Buckminster Fuller designed a lot of these habitats.
In this show: ET Non-Humanoid Attendees (DRAWINGS INCLUDED)
RAPTORS: Think 'Jurassic Park' movies - that were financed by them!
Prince Naga Draconis, Raptor Prince
Crag, Raptor Prince son adopted by Mark R.
Thork, Raptor Prince & hero
Link’a, Raptor Princess = now the Raptor Empress
Nereaids: King Nereus & Princess Arethusa Polymorphs = Dolphins & Shapeshifters
(adopt dead human bodies)
Octopoids = Giant octopus-type
Decapoda-Aggresio "Bikini-642" = Giant squid with a lobster-type shell (wears armored crab-like gear when on land)
CANONIANS/CANISONS = Hound Dog merchant species
GASTROCELLS - a community of organisms-looked like floating clouds and lived off methane Crunch, Mantid friend of young Mark R.
FAWN/SATYR: "Pan" survivor
**PLEASE NOTE: A numerical error was made on the slide at time stamp 35:14. I wrote in the left comment that “over a million years had passed on earth - post asteroid destruction.” The correct fact should read; “65 million years had passed on earth - post asteroid destruction."

YouTube link:

Part 2    Part 3

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