
Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Most Prized Tech for Fast Ocean Cleanup and Tech Uncloaks Mars/Moon Base!

Image from video

Most Prized Tech for Fast Ocean Cleanup
and Tech Uncloaks Mars/Moon Base and More!

Ileana Star Traveler, Part 2
Grab your kids & friends to watch your Human History come alive!

Part 2 reveals for the 1st time in a public show Environmental & Health Solutions we have been waiting for. Technology such as the Antarctica rare type of water mineral that cleans all the ocean’s toxins in 3 months, as well as performs surgeries when placed on a wand-like device, heals medical ailments, and alters the human psyche and brain waves! Rare water mineral is used to create biological drug serums for Life-Extension in Antarctica! Also - the MOST PRIZED Ruby Refractory Telescopes within the Egyptian/Atlantean Hall of Records (Universal Libraries) allows for the uncloaking of the Hidden Bases on the Moon and Mars - for all to see.

Learn about how trash can be taken back to zero source point and disappears. How Pleiadians & Andromedans use Time Displacement to Terraform nature, trees, flowers grass almost instantly in their bio-domes. Crystalline Healing is the new form of Regenerative medicine! Learn about Ileana’s experience with the Peruvian Golden Sun Disc that staves off Earth Cataclysms, and so much more.

Ileana Star Traveler is literally a 'Cosmic Brilliant Traveling Universal Encyclopedia!’ She is multi-talented & from an Earth Guardian from the EL Seeder/Founder Race. Ileana continues to reveal SPECIFIC answers to 27 Q’s like:
*Two Egyptian Atlantean Hall of Records on Giza built by Calypso, past life of Ileana & why he built these two chambers to be a puzzle-like maze for protection
*Stasis Chambers with Beings inside within the pyramid of Khafre
*What’s inside the Ancient Hall of Records, Space Arks, & Sphinx’s scattered around the world and off-planet like Venus.
*Location of Hall of Records on the Earth, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn & Mercury
*Details on How to Activate the Hall of Records Discs & The Guardians that Protect those places
*What “Soul Light Keys” are and their connection to the “Seeder” Races
*Ruby Refractory Telescopes that uncloak hidden bases on Mars & Moon to be seen by humans on earth
*Carpathian/Romanian Sphinx & it’s true purpose
*Amaru Muru Star Gateway Portal
*What’s it like to go through portals of blue plasma?
* Peruvian Golden Sun Disc that can stave off earth Cataclysms & more. Ileana’s mission?
* Learning from the Andromedans for 2 months
*Historical Truths on Holographic Crystal & Metal Discs Reveal Our Galactic Human Heritage!
*How to Activate Space Ark Portals & Star Gates & Hieroglyphic Codes
*How to Activate Neurolink Chairs and their multiple uses
*Multiple Healing Wands with various applications
*The Ancient white & green Tech that keeps Underground Metal-Alloy Tunnels Lit by Crystalline Super-Computer Systems
* Harnessing Crystalline Technology for Multi-purposes & to power spacecraft!
*Crystal Skulls Accessed in Antarctica
*Egg Crystal Technology Reveals Pyramid Cities and Hover Craft
* Venusian Crystal Citadels & Living Habitats – the history of Venus & Cataclysm
* Stasis Chambers Activated in Antarctica with Blue Sirian & Andromedan bodies inside
* What multi-dimensional souls can do while their bodies are inside Stasis Chambers
* Uses of Noble elements like Gold & Silver
* Mana used for food and made from algae/seaweed
* Mt. Kailash, Tibet with crystalline mirror-like Glass-looking Refractory Technologies
* Mini Portal Systems
*What’s under the Temple Mount in Israel?
* What were the actual ancient Ark Ships (Noah’s Ark)?
*What were the Covenant Colony Ark Ships and how were they used?
* What was the Ark of the Covenant's multi-purposes?

Ileana is an El Race Star Traveler (see Part 1 for details) who is certified as a Native American Shaman, Psychic, Crystal Healer, Energy Healer, Past Life Regressionist, Soul Retrieval & Hypnosis Practitioner, Akashic Records Reader, and Secret Space Program Insider.

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