
Wednesday, August 03, 2022

Alien Chronicles - Wendelle Stevens - Alien and UFO Encounters

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Alien Chronicles -
Wendelle Stevens -
Alien and UFO Encounters

U.F.O. investigator discloses Alien & U.F.O. incidents never before told, describing encounters the military had with massive Alien discs, saucers that would submerge beneath the ocean, the recovery of a crashed U.F.O. and its 4 Alien occupants, a meeting his associate had with Government officials that included an Alien being at the table, an extended incident at an Air Force base and much more.

From the dawn of mankind, they have been here guiding us, monitoring us, perhaps helping us with our advancement, but also manipulating us to some kind of end game. No, we are not alone and never were. From the true stories of credible eyewitnesses, learn fascinating insight into the Alien Presence on Earth and what it may mean for mankind.

YouTube link:

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