
Monday, August 01, 2022

Galactic Federation: The Starseed Program, The Seeder Race and the Annunaki

Image from video

Galactic Federation:
The Starseed Program,
The Seeder Race and the Annunaki

Val Nek discusses the starseed program and emphasizes that their are thousands who incarnated here for a unique mission with a common goal. He reiterates that we are all equal, we are all one and "the best of the best." He also discusses the ET disclosures depends on how fast humans awaken to who they truly are and a date is yet to be disclosed by the Federation and the Alliance. The Annunaki are from the planet Nibiru. They are not members of the Federation, which means they are considered a regressive species and do not work for peace in the galaxy. Long ago, they made an alliance with Draco Reptilians to manipulate the genetics of the human race into a slave race. The humans and humanoids genetics, the "Seeders" came from a different galaxy. I (Megan) would like to reiterate that we are them, they are us and this aligns with Christ consciousness.

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