
Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Interplanetary Security and Defense of Planet Earth: From Near - Earth Objects to Alien Threats

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Interplanetary Security and Defense of Planet Earth:
From Near - Earth Objects to Alien Threats

Courtesy of Contact in the Desert Virtual Conference - Has the Pentagon retracted from their initial "disclosure" of "unidentified aerial phenomena" within the auspices of the now-defunct Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP)? Clyde will articulately provide a possible reason for their revised stance regarding this highly controversial subject along with the United States' new Space Force. Former President Donald Trump directed the Pentagon organize a Space Force: a 6th independent military service branch to undertake missions and operations in the rapidly evolving space domain.

The U.S. Space Force's mission is to "organize, train, and equip space forces in order to protect U.S. and allied interests in space and to provide space capabilities to the joint force. Its responsibilities include developing military space professionals, acquiring military space systems, maturing the military doctrine for space power, and organizing space forces to present to the Combatant Commands.

Will the Space Force also be used to exert "full-spectrum dominance" over planet earth through electronic surveillance? Find out as Clyde Lewis cogently discusses his research pertaining to this riveting topic.

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