
Monday, September 26, 2022

Kat Update: Juan O Savin and Q The Storm Rider, Blackout Coming, Deep Breath, Prepare

Kat Update: Juan O Savin and Q The Storm Rider –

The days we have all been working towards are here. Imminent.

If you hear “stock up” one more time, I have no doubt you’re going to want to yell at somebody but look at it this way:

What if, for 10-days, you had to stay home, not go out on the streets, not go to an ATM, store, gas station, not able to call anyone—nothing. Would you be OK?

Do you have enough:

Food for you
Food for your pets
Medicines you might need
A little cash if ANYTHING is open because ATMS/banks & gas stations will be closed

NOT A POWER OUT—Juan O Savin has stressed that point.

Don’t panic. Just be ready.

Juan and Q The Storm Rider are doing everything they can to stress PREPAREDNESS.

THIS is what we have been waiting for.

As I understand it, Space Force will completely shut down the internet, pull out all the deep state demon spyware & dark web & officially turn on Quantum worldwide.


Enclose a partial transcript from a just recorded Juan O Savin video with David Nino Rodriguez & also Nicholas Veniamin’s wonderful transcript from another Juan video, plus some Q The Storm Rider.

The Best Is Assuredly To Come & imo, will be far more wondrous & miraculous than we could ever have imagined.

Will the days & months ahead be challenging? Yes. But we are ready.

I thank God every moment for waking me up & putting me on this path. If I didn’t have YEARS of digging, research & learning from other Anons under my belt, I shudder to think!

Thank God for QTeam, for Digital Soldiers, Blazing Patriots & President & Commander-in-Chief Trump!

Thank God for the 60-year Plan To Save The World launched Christmas Eve, 1963.

Thank God!

God bless our brave extraordinary Global Military Alliance.


With blessings of Peace, Health, Happiness & Abundance Unceasing,

This is Kat

Over & out


For the rest of Kat's transcripts:

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