
Monday, September 12, 2022

Structures and Bridges on the Moon... Who Got There First?

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Structures and Bridges on the Moon...
Who Got There First?

You are watching Theo Chalmers’ ON THE EDGE Archived show: For millennia man has looked towards the night sky in awe at the beauty and majesty of the Moon. It's silver glow has enticed and invited us. Then, in 1969, mankind finally managed to fulfill his dream, as NASA astronauts set foot upon our celestial partner
In this gripping interview, Simon Lewis explains his own theory about the true nature of the Moon - that it is not the barren landscape we have been led to believe and that there is other life on there. In fact Lewis believes others got there first. Prepare to step outside your preconceived notions and journey with us to the moon and her secrets.

YouTube link:

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