
Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Pleiadians: Alien Race Influencing Humanity and Preventing Nuclear Disasters

Alien Race Influencing Humanity and
Preventing Nuclear Disasters

The Pleiades star cluster is not just another point in the sky, but in fact, the home to a race of alien beings known as the Pleiadians. — Vitally, these Pleiadians are said to be a benevolent race, closely related to but more emotionally and spiritually developed than humans, interested in helping humanity on its own evolutionary journey. — It is why the ancients continually spoke of the Pleiades as a place of knowledge and protection.

Rumble link:

On October 21st, 1954 in Staffordshire, West Midlands, England, Jessie Rosenberg, then aged 29 and her two children, witnessed a object flying overhead then hovering over a roof top and very clearly sees the occupents. She tells her story...

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