
Monday, November 21, 2022

Richplanet TV - Charles James Hall, ex USAF and his meetings with E.T.s

Richplanet TV -
Charles James Hall, ex
USAF and his meetings with E.T.s

In the 1960s Charles James Hall was a weather observer in the United States Air Force. He was stationed at Indian Springs in Nevada. He became aware of a base hidden in the mountains being used by a race of extra terrestrial which was known about by certain high ranking military officials.

Charles claims to have met 3 different races of extra-terrestrial. The first he describes as "tall whites" who were peaceful and use or used a base in the mountains near Indian Springs. Another race Charles mentions are "The Grays" and another race of human looking E.T.s he describes as "Norwegians with 24 teeth".

Odysee link:,-ex:1

Original: Richplanet TV Link -

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