
Saturday, December 24, 2022

Humanoids and High Strangeness in Nevada: Five True Cases

Humanoids and High Strangeness
in Nevada: Five True Cases

Among the closest of UFO encounters are cases involving strange humanoids. It’s one thing to see an unidentified flying object from a distance, it’s quite another to see a gray alien, have missing time or even be taken onboard a craft. It’s these types of encounters where we learn the truth about UFO contact and what it’s like to meet an extraterrestrial face-to-face. This video presents five true accounts of humanoids and high strangeness from the state of Nevada. Of course, humanoids are seen all over the world. And Nevada is no exception. In fact, Nevada has many accounts of this kind. What follows are five of the weirdest and most bizarre.

SHARLEEN’S ONBOARD ENCOUNTER. One evening in Jul of 1964, Sharleen Nicholson was six-months pregnant when her house in Las Vegas began to vibrate with a buzzing noise. A light flooded through the windows. Venturing outside, she saw a saucer landed in the field by her home. Sharleen became filled with a strange calmness. The next thing she knew, she was back inside her home. By morning, she had forgotten the entire experience. She gave birth to a healthy baby boy. A few months later, during a baby shower, someone mentioned the word “UFO,” and the memory of her encounter returned. Had she been taken onboard? She wasn’t sure.

BOY SHOOTS A GRAY ALIEN. Early one morning in 1970, a father took his 7-year-old son rabbit hunting in the desert east of Reno. He stayed in the car drinking beer while his son took his rifle and searched out his quarry. After shooting a rabbit, he set his sights on another. That’s when he saw movement out of the corner of his eye. Looking in that direction, he was shocked to see a short gray-skinned figure with large dark eyes. When it raised its hand toward him, the witness swung his rifle around and shot. The strange creature dropped to the desert floor. Filled with fear and remorse, the boy dropped the rifle and ran back to his father who disbelieved him and told him to go back and get the gun. Upon returning to the site, the strange humanoid figure was gone. But up in the sky was a large cigar-shaped craft. The next thing the boy knew, he was taken onboard.

MISSING TIME IN INDIAN SPRINGS. On the evening of Dec 3, 1983, a small group of airmen from Creech AFB in Indian Springs hiked a few miles off-base to have a little beer-keg party. Growing tired, one of them decided to walk back to the base dorms. But his journey back was interrupted. Growing cold, he hunched down to warm up. The next thing he knew, he was waking up to find a man hold a gun to his head. He was sleeping on a couch in the home of a complete stranger. He and the homeowner were mystified as the house was protected by a tall fence and a guard-dog, and all the doors and the windows had been locked from the inside. Even stranger, there was a large incision on his abdomen.

THE ABDUCTION OF ALEX PODOVICH. On Nov 7, 2002, Las Vegas resident, Alex Podovich woke up to find a strange glowing light descending upon him. His body became paralyzed and he felt himself moving through the air. The next thing he knew, he was lying naked on a strange bed in a weird room, surrounded by humanoid figures with weird eyes. A bizarre ring-like device was fitted over his head. So began a series of encounters with apparent extraterrestrials. At first Alex had no fear. But he soon came to believe that the ETs were taking his reproductive material to produce hybrid children. Later experiences with the ETs would seem to confirm this. Alex then decided that these encounters were not in his best interests and he began to resist them.

HUMANOIDS ON ROUTE 95. On the evening of Dec 8, 2006, a married couple decided take a road trip from Las Vegas to the remote desert town of Beatty, NV. Their journey took them along Route 95 which led them through the town of Indian Springs and deep into the Nevada desert. At some point during their trip, they noticed a light hovering ahead of them on the highway. Slowing down, they saw that the light was actually a scraft hovering only a few hundred feet high. Even more shocking, through the windows they could see several strange humanoid figures both sitting down and standing, all of them looking down at them from above. It was instantly clear to both of them that the figures were not human.

As can be seen, Nevada has no shortage of humanoids and high strangeness. About 87 percent of the state is owned by the Federal Government. It is also the location of the infamous Area 51, believed by many to be an area involving the reverse-engineering of UFO craft. Whatever the case, it’s clear that something very profound is happening in the Silver State.

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