
Saturday, December 31, 2022

I Crashed into a UFO!

I Crashed into a UFO!

It is among the closest and rarest of UFO encounters. It almost never happens. But the fact is, on extremely rare occasions, people have collided with a UFO. Planes, trains and automobiles, and even boats -- all have crashed into UFOs. Vehicle accidents occur every day. But is a very short list of people who have crashed into an extraterrestrial craft. This video presents a comprehensive look at UFO collisions. And not only UFOs, but in a few cases, collisions with extraterrestrials.

PLANES: While there are literally thousands of cases involving UFOs seen from aircraft, there are a dozen cases in which planes have collided with UFOs.

Jul 1951: Pilot Fred Reagan is flying his Piper Cub over FL when it collides with a UFO.

Jul 22, 1955: Major Mervin Stevens is flying his C131-D aircraft when it collides with an unknown object over Pixley, CA.

Oct 1955: A pilot flying a B-47 aircraft collides with a UFO over Lovington, NM.

Jul 18, 1957: A USAF fighter jet strikes a 30-foot-wide disc over NM, killing the pilot and causing the UFO to crash.

Apr 1, 1957: A USAF C118 collides with an unknown object after taking off from McChord AFB in WA state.

May 2, 1974: Private pilot Carlos de los Santos Montiel is surrounded by three UFOs in his Piper Aztec over Mexico City, one of which strikes his plane.

June 1974: A Japanese AF pilot is flying an F-4 Phantom jet when he strikes a 40-foot-wide metallic disc.

Aug 25, 1974: A disabled UFO plunges to the ground outside of Coyame, Mexico, striking a plane and killing all people onboard.

Oct 23, 1992: Pilot Thomas J. Preziose is killed when his Cessna cargo plane is struck by an unknown object over Mobile, AL.

Jul 28, 1994: Captain Raymundo Cervantes is flying a DC-9 commercial jet over Mexico City when a UFO comes up from below and strikes the landing gear.

Jun 4, 2013: A Chinese passenger jet, a Boeing 757 takes off from Chengdu Airport in China and is struck on the nosecone by an unknown object at 26,000 feet.

Oct 2017. A Boeing 757 carrying the NBA basketball team, the Oklahoma City Thunder, en route from MN to IL is struck by an unknown object at 30,000 feet.

AUTOMOBILES: The most common type of UFO collision is with automobiles. Here are more than a dozen cases.

Feb 7, 1965: A salesman reports that a UFO forced him off the road and proceeded to smash into his car, destroying it almost completely.

Mar 30, 1966: Three passengers are driving over the Wade Road Overpass near Baytown, TX when a glowing object drops from the sky and strikes the roof of their car.

Mar 31, 1966: A man driving along Q Street in Ralston, NE is struck by a black object, leaving a 3-foot-wide dent on his hood and front fender.

Mar 28, 1967: David Morris is driving home from work in Munroe Falls, OH when he comes upon a landed UFO and occupants, and strikes one of the creatures as it crosses the road.

Jul 13, 1967: Two friends driving to Whitehouse, OH come upon a large disc blocking the road. Unable to stop, they collide into it, damaging their car.

Jul 17, 1967: Emma Funk of Millerton, NY calls the police after a black spherical object drops from the sky and strikes her windshield.

Aug 24, 1979, Deputy Sheriff Val Johnson of Stephen, MN strikes a glowing object which causes extensive damage to his police cruiser.

1984: Two U-Haul drivers from Bowling Green, KY suffer severe damage to the truck after being struck by some unknown object from above.

Sep 1, 1984: A family is driving south on Route 84 in AZ and strike a white-suited humanoid which crosses the road in front of them.

Nov 21, 1988: Three friends are driving in convoy in two vehicles through the desert of NM when a glowing silver orb strikes the side of their vehicle.

Jan 17, 1989: Three people are driving along Lucky Strike Road in NV and collide into a reptilian humanoid crossing the road in front of them.

Nov 27, 1998: A woman driving near Mt. Clemens, MI is struck by a glowing white orb the size of a basketball, leaving a strange residue on her car.

2000’s: An anonymous couple driving home from the Olive Garden collide with a floating black cube-shaped object.

May 2004: A woman driving along Lake Cook Road in Algonquin, IL is suddenly forced off the road by an invisible force.

And that’s not all. There is at least one case of a UFO striking a plane, and another of a USO striking a boat. So many cases! These encounters show that UFOs are not infallible and that accidents do happen. And these are only the cases we know about. How many more have not been reported, or are being covered up by the military?

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