
Thursday, December 29, 2022

Jared Rand Excerpt from Earth Alliance and Patriot News for December 29, 2022

Jared Rand Excerpt from Earth
Alliance and Patriot News for
December 29, 2022

Quote: “We are minute-by-minute for the announcement of NESARA/GESARA, The Gold Standard and then activation of the private R/V GCR”.

-) Then, when NESARA/GESARA is Announced, and the Gold standard has to be Announced for it to be activated or invoked. The real “People’s Rainbow currency will start. The fiat FRN or Federal Reserve Notes have to go bye-bye!!

-) After the Gold Standard, then the R/V GCR that is private.

-) Quote: “There is really NO good news that has been coming out from the “Forces of Light”, it has all been the dark side”. This does not mean the Forces of Light is not winning or is not doing anything, they just do not want to announce to the public or the Dark Side what successes they have, for the betterment of these operations.

-) The new financial system is up and running. It has already been tested. The Starlink, and the QFS, Quantum Financial System is the name and on the over 3,000 low orbit satellites up there.

-) There are about 200 countries that have announced their Gold Standard, America is NOT one of them yet. There have been issues here, but are being taken care of. But THIS WILL happen for America; soon

-) The Alliance have cleared out the rot or the “Bad Apples” for this to happen. There is NOT many Deep State Rats or illuminati left to do anything. They are offering to the Alliance trillions now, for amnesty of their crimes. It will NOT be accepted. This is fiat dollars that is not worth much, anyway.

-) Still from last week. This means we have to initiate NESARA/GESARA before the Deep State Rats or banking illuminati wants to initiate their “Digital Currency or the so called CBDC or Central Bank Digital Currency. They want to do this on the first of the year 1/1/2023!!

Source: Operation Disclosure Official

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