
Friday, December 30, 2022

New Mexico UFO Crash Retrievals

New Mexico UFO
Crash Retrievals

There are many kinds of UFO encounters: sightings, landings, face-to-face contact, onboard UFO encounters and more. But perhaps the ultimate type of UFO encounter is a UFO crash-retrieval incident. In these incredible cases, extraterrestrial craft and ET bodies are allegedly retrieved by military forces and secreted away in various military bases across the United States and the world.

The 1947 UFO crash at Roswell, NM is the most famous case of this kind, but it's not the only one. In fact, researchers have documented hundreds of similar events from all over the planet. UFO crash retrievals are far more common than most people think. The state of New Mexico alone has more than a dozen such cases.

This video presents ten cases of UFO crash retrievals in the state of New Mexico that you may not have heard of before. Moving beyond Roswell, Aztec, Corona or the Plains of St. Augustine (all of which are fairly well-known within the UFO community) -- we move to other lesser-known cases including:

  • The 1945 UFO crash at San Antonio witnessed by two boys working at an isolated ranch.
  • An incident involving the shooting-down a UFO at White Sands only days before the Roswell UFO crash.
  • A UFO crash in San Miguel County in 1952 as witnessed by a young couple vacationing in the area.
  • A crash in the deserts of New Mexico in 1953, coming from an anonymous Radar Specialist who claims to have seen footage of the crash and bodies.
  • A UFO crash at White Sands in 1953 involving a craft that was recovered almost completely intact.
  • A UFO crash in 1954 outside Walker AFB in which an officer (K.A.) was on a search and rescue mission and came upon a craft and ET bodies.
  • A UFO crash in 1957 as reported by three military officers who investigated rumors of a downed aircraft and found more than they bargained for.
  • A UFO crash in 1962 near Holloman AFB involving a 68-foot metallic disc piloted by two extraterrestrials.
  • A UFO crash in 1963 along the highway near the small town of Santa Rosa, as witnessed by an X-ray technician who view the craft and bodies.
  • A UFO crash in 1974 in the Manzano Mountains near the small town of Chili, as reported to APRO by an officer at Kirtland AFB.

    It was only because of sheer luck and the courage of various whistle-blowers that these ten cases were reported to various UFO researchers. Likely these cases represent only the tip of the iceberg, meaning that there are probably dozens of other cases or more that the public does not know about in the state of New Mexico alone!

    During the recent Congressional UFO Hearings in May of 2022, the U.S. government stated their desire to be truthful and transparent on the subject of UFOs and UAPS, and their desire to remove the stigma surrounding the subject of extraterrestrials. And yet, when asked if the U.S. military has ever shot at a craft, or if the military is in possession of any materials from a craft, they said, "no," and said that the stories of Roswell were mere rumors! Does this sound like truth and transparency?

    No more cover-ups! No more lies! The time for truth is now! The subject of UFO crash retrievals can no longer be ignored or denied. The cases are numerous and come from many highly credible witnesses. UFO crash retrievals represent the cutting edge of UFO research and have the potential to prove the reality of the extraterrestrial presence on our planet to all of humanity.

    YouTube link:

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