
Friday, December 16, 2022

Seven Extraordinary Cases of Extraterrestrial Healing

Seven Extraordinary Cases of
Extraterrestrial Healing

UFO contact has occurred all over the world to all kinds of people. While some people report being very frightened by their encounters, others report encounters that are not only benevolent, but healing. In fact, ET healings are far more common than most people realize. There are literally hundreds of cases on record, reaching back over 100 years and still occurring to the present day. This video presents seven extraordinary examples of extraterrestrial healings involving people from all across the planet. These seven cases show how truly advanced ETs are when it comes to practicing medicine, and also show that healing humanity is main part of the alien agenda.

CASE ONE: TERRY WALTERS: Terry Walters of England reports a lifetime of unusual events. In 2005, Terry suffered from severe spinal problems and chronic back pain. That is, until he found himself in an operating room onboard a UFO. Even more surprising, he was being operated on by a reptilian humanoid. Following this, Walters' back pain was gone. Soon Walters began having more onboard experience with beautiful human-looking extraterrestrials. This initiated a spiritual awakening and Terry began experiencing ghost encounters, precognition of disasters, memories of a past-life as an Egyptian Pharoah and more. Walters also found he had the ability to heal others of a wide variety of medical conditions.

CASE TWO: JEAN MIGUERES. On August 11, 1969, Jean Migueres was driving his ambulance near Rouen, France when a UFO appeared overhead. He heard a voice mentally tell him, "Do not be afraid." Shortly later, Migueres suffered a head-on collision with another vehicle, causing massive injuries. While trapped in the wreckage, an alien being materialized next to him and said, "I am going to regenerate you by a procedure that is not yet known on your planet." The being proceeded to heal Migueres of injuries to his spine and more. Migueres was rushed to the hospital where he had three near-death experiences, but ultimately recovered. He began having regular onboard experiences and discovered that he had been given "the gift of healing," and found himself in telepathic contact with ETs.

CASE THREE: Connie Isele of Divide, CO began having unusual experiences from a very young age. ln 1989, she woke up to see strange praying mantis-like creatures. Initially terrified, Isele soon realized that the ETs were actually there to help. In 1989, the ETs visited her and healed her of uterine cramping. Three years later, they returned and healed her of arthritis in her knee. Three years after that, in 1995, Isele suffered a near-fatal auto accident. Doctors feared she would lose her leg. Isele prayed to the ETs for help, and to her amazement, they visited her in her hospital room and healed her. The doctors were shocked and gave Isele the nickname "miracle legs."

CASE FOUR: After learning that Pine Bush in upstate NY was a huge UFO hotspot, researcher Ellen Crystall traveled to the area and began not only seeing UFOs, but photographing them. Before long, she saw an actual ET. Her sightings were so numerous, she wondered if she might actually be a UFO contactee herself. Ellen learned that as a child, she had been very sick with an undiagnosed intestinal disorder. She became so sick, doctors feared she would die. But one day, she was miraculously healed. Later, she learned in an unusual way that she had actually been healed by ETs.

CASE FIVE: Jerry Wills of KY was only twelve years old when he began seeing UFOs and having contact with human-looking ETs who taught him a variety of scientific and spiritual subjects. Around that time, he became bedridden with a dangerously high fever. As he lay in bed, he was suddenly visited by grays who took him onboard a craft and healed him. As an adult, Wills found that he had developed incredible healing abilities.

CASE SIX: IVAN MORALES. A police officer from Puerto Rico, in 1980 Morales found himself very sick with rheumatic fever. After praying for help, Morales was shocked to be visited by two gray ETs who took him onboard a craft and to an undersea base where they healed him, then returned him to his home.

CASE SEVEN: In 1998, four-year-old Gabriel Flores of Chile was near death from a severe case of rheumatic fever. While being driven to and from the hospital, he had a UFO encounter which left him completely healed. Flores' healing was confirmed by doctors, and soon the whole family began to experience incredible events which left them convinced that they were all in contact with ETs.

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