
Thursday, December 08, 2022

This ET-Human Hybrid Discloses Alien Plan for Humanity and the Shadowy Government Agenda

This ET-Human Hybrid Discloses
Alien Plan for Humanity and the
Shadowy Government Agenda

Sarah's presentation is on multidimensional aliens that live in other dimensions or realities.These aliens have access to other dimensions including our own through advanced technology which Sarah will talk about. She will also talk about how these aliens have been made out to be evil or bad when most of them are not. We are all multidimensional beings but have been suppressed and Sarah teaches her clients how to become more multidimensional so that you can communicate with these multidimensional beings yourself.

Sarah has experienced many things from seeing abductions to seeing angels who aided her. Her awakened consciousness increased as she got older. Sarah has experienced the supernatural and past lives in Egypt and Atlantis. She also works with many clients around the world in what she calls “Intuitive Healing”. This includes using homeopathy, herbs, supplements, diet super foods, detoxing, energy work, visualization, mediation, energy work, and cellular work, all to heighten the frequency of the temple and precious bodies we have been given.

YouTube link:

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