
Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Will We Be Ready for the Next Mass UFO Event? - Phoenix Lights

Will We Be Ready for the
Next Mass UFO Event? -
Phoenix Lights

The Phoenix Lights were a series of unidentified flying objects sighted in the skies over Phoenix, Arizona and other parts of the state on the evening of March 13, 1997. The incident is one of the most well-known and widely-reported UFO sightings in United States history, with many witnesses reporting seeing a large, V-shaped object flying over the region. Some witnesses also reported seeing smaller, spherical objects accompanying the larger craft. The lights were visible for several hours and were seen by thousands of people. To this day, the true nature of the Phoenix Lights remains a mystery, and the incident continues to be a topic of debate among UFO enthusiasts and skeptics alike.

The "Phoenix Lights" were seen across multiple states by over 750 people! I interviewed veteran UFO Skywatcher Tom King. He investigated the Phoenix Lights in 1997 and has thousands of dollars in Camera equipment searching the sky 24/7 for the next Phoenix Lights event!

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