
Sunday, January 29, 2023

1901, 1910 Antarctica ice wall Expeditions Hidden, Photos Reveal Cities, Ancient Ruins, Pyramids!!!

1901, 1910 Antarctica ice wall Expeditions Hidden,
Photos Reveal Cities, Ancient Ruins, Pyramids!!!

In 1901, and 1910, British Naval Officer, Robert "Falcon" Scott, led teams behind the Antarctica Ice Wall, only to discover ancient ruins of cities, pyramids, beautiful ancient art / sculptures, and ancient technology, but he and his team were most likely murdered on their second expedition, due to their desire to share their discoveries with the world. This is just more incredible evidence that reality is completely rigged, and we have been kept in the dark about everything. We are the center of the universe, we are all special, and we are all gods and goddesses made in our creators image. Most people are aware of the Admiral Byrd narrative, but why has the Cpt Robert "Falcon" Scott been kept a secret for so long? This is interesting stuff, regardless.

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