
Thursday, January 12, 2023

Communication with E.T Intelligence… Examining Evidence of Open “Contact”

Communication with E.T Intelligence…
Examining Evidence of Open “Contact”

As we approach Open Disclosure of the Extraterrestrial presence on Earth, the next logical question will be, ... “How do we understand and communicate with intelligent ET races?” Evidence shows however, that some ETs have already been preparing humanity for environmental changes and open ‘Contact’ for many decades, using various forms of communication, both subtle and direct.

This has taken many forms:- from physical contact with Abductees, Contactees, and certain Military personnel, communicating verbally, telepathically or via projected imagery; through to the complex geometric and SETI-like symbolism of the genuine Crop Formations.

In his Lecture presentation, Alan discusses the above, and highlights the need for humanity to examine all the available evidence of ‘Contact’, in order to understand the various forms of communication and interaction. This also furthers our awareness that humanity has untapped capabilities yet to be developed.

YouTube link:

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