
Monday, January 16, 2023

Secrets of the 'Replicator and Utilizer' are Finally Revealed

Secrets of the
'Replicator and Utilizer'
are Finally Revealed

By: Mr.Ed
Date: Sunday, 15-Jan-2023 20:34:35

'Creative Society' - Secrets of the 'Replicator & Utilizer' are Finally Revealed - The Future Is Here - Every Home Will Have One - This Technology Will Change the World (Video)

This Technology Will Change the World Forever | The Secret of the Replicator Is Finally Revealed

In the future (which is here now) every home will have it's own Med Bed as well a Replicator.

To start out the med beds will be located in public areas for all to use until the time comes that we all have one in our home. (same as a refrigerator or oven)

Then we will also get a Replicator and a Utilizer.

A Utilizer is a device about the size of your microwave oven that you recycle everything into to be reused again on a molecular level.

So you could say a Utilizer is a Recycler. (there's a new word for your vocabulary) :)

No more waste or garbage to haul away to a landfill.

No more washing dishes. When you get done all goes into the Utilizer to be recycled.

That will be the end of dishwashers and trash compactors in the kitchen.

No more washers & dryers. You just recycle dirty clothes and out come new ones from the replicator in perfect condition. (no more ironing) No need for it.

Everything you buy now to eat or wear or use in the home will be replicated for free at home. Look at the savings of time and money to go get these things all the time.

Say good bye to China WalMart. This will put them out of business for good.

Get ready as this is only one of many 'off world' technologies we are about to get. The cabal had about 6000 patents for off world technology they did not want us to have or know about for the past 70 years.

When the galactics show up here (when safe) they will bring so much more than what the Deep State had kept from us.

The SSP (Secret Space Program) had replicators & Med Beds for over 70 years. They got it from the dark ETs so the technology was not so good as what we will get from the GFL. (Galactic Federation of Light) Galactics

BTW...the SSP is now taken over by the good guys and renamed 'The Space Force' by Trump. What that means is...we now have our own deep space fleet. However the SSP fleet is old so the GFL will be providing us with new space craft fleets.

Soon you will be able to get aboard a craft and travel to another planet.

We finally escape this prison planet and the future is ours.

Welcome to the Golden Age of 1000 years of heaven on earth. (Med Beds make it all possible) Mr.Ed :)

Creative Society
Dec 23, 2022

Do you know how to turn a plastic bottle into a sandwich, a T-shirt or a phone?

In the Creative Society, every family will have 2 new devices: a recycler and a replicator.

With their help, we’ll be able to recycle garbage and generate anything from gourmet food to high-tech gadgets.

After all, all material objects consist of the same elements and the main thing is to place them in the right combination.

Even today, people are able to make molecule drinks by printing them on 3D printers!

Making food in replicators is no longer a fantasy, but only the next technological step.

However, such progress is possible only if we change the current consumer format of society to a creative one and build a happy world that is not shameful to pass on to our children and grandchildren.

YouTube link:

Source: Rumor Mill News

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