
Saturday, February 18, 2023

Independence Day UFO Encounters

Independence Day UFO

What’s the most common day to see a UFO? The answer may surprise you: the 4th of July! That’s right, Independence Day produces more UFO reports than any other day. The question is, why? Are people mistaking fireworks for genuine UFOs? Or is something else going on here?

An examination of the UFO reports made on the fourth of July shows some interesting patterns. Many do involve fiery glowing orbs, or what may very well be sky lanterns, also known as party lanterns. These are small paper balloons set aloft with a small candle. They can rise up to 4000 feet and from a distance, look very much like a UFO.

But the fact is, there are literally hundreds of cases where this explanation simply does not fit! Some do look like orbs, however, sky lanterns fizzle out after fifteen minutes, and many of these orb sightings last much longer. Also, orbs cannot turn at right angles, stop still in the sky, or accelerate at high speeds, as many of these orbs do. Furthermore, many of the Independence Day UFO encounters involve structured craft, metallic saucers complete with portholes and multicolored lights. Some cases also involve actual humanoids. Clearly the fireworks explanation doesn’t fit.

There are so many cases involving UFOs seen on the Fourth of July that it is clear something very profound is happening here. Fireworks appear to be a UFO magnet. Many of the witnesses have come to the conclusion that UFOs are coming down to watch the fireworks show. ETs love fireworks!

But it might be more than this. Remember, on the Fourth of July, millions of people all across the United States flock outside at night and stare upwards. Could it be that the extraterrestrials are aware of this and are using this day as an opportunity to announce their presence. The answer appears to be a big YES! Because many of these reports involve UFOs that not only watch the fireworks show, but they put on a show themselves. They will flash their lights, dart around, and put on a fantastic display for the stunned audience.

This video presents dozens of cases in which UFOs have appeared during fireworks shows all across the United States. Here is what some of the witnesses are saying:

“We were watching fireworks, which were to our east. I noticed the UFO to the north, but said nothing to no one. I observed it for two minutes as it moved silently eastward, then suddenly reversed direction as it picked up speed. Then assuming its original course once again, it moved slowly upwards and out of sight.” –1963, Greensboro, NC.

“There was a tremendous flash of lightning at the same time a firework went off in the sky. I looked up and saw an absolutely huge saucer-shaped object sitting right over the ‘mountain’ we were next to.” –1965, Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY.

“When it finally reached us, I saw it was a circular craft. It hovered right above the poplar trees at the end of the street, where we were all gathered.” –1977, Federal Way, WA.

“[It was] a disc-shaped object displaying multicolored lights in a circle, hovering at what seemed to be 100 feet above us and the gathering crowd.” –1978, Nashua, NH.

“It made no sound. I was scared to death…I wanted to hide under the car…I wanted to scream, but couldn’t. I realized I was not supposed to remember this happening. I kept telling myself, I will remember. The craft’s size was huge, bigger than the fairgrounds bleacher area.” –1980, St. Paul, MN.

“My brother was watching the fireworks when all of a sudden he went as white as a ghost. My mother shouted out, ‘Oh, my God!’ I went to see what was going on…it was the weirdest thing ever, a disc-shaped with small portholes going around its midsection.” –1982, Hermosa Beach, CA.

“Most people don’t get to see a craft that close and distinct. I even saw the molding around the windows…Three Nordic-looking men in white, with blond hair, staring at us as if we were mere cattle. I could see them from the belly up, not sure if they were standing or sitting. They had no apparatus on at all. I never took my eyes off it until it was gone from sight.” –1999, Lancaster, PA.

There are too many cases to deny. The aliens are coming down to watch the fireworks shows, and they are also putting on displays themselves. And in fact, these are more than just simple sightings. Every single one of these cases are actually Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind! Fireworks are evidently an effective method to call down UFOs out of the sky.

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