
Sunday, March 26, 2023

The Terrifying Secret Of The Philadelphia Experiment And Why It Was Covered Up By The US Government

The Terrifying Secret Of The
Philadelphia Experiment And Why It
Was Covered Up By The US Government

The Philadelphia Experiment, a naval military project that took place in 1943 during World War II. The US Navy was conducting experiments aimed at making their ships undetectable to enemy radar. The project involved the use of a range of technologies, including electromagnetic fields, in an attempt to achieve this goal. Despite its controversial nature, the Philadelphia Experiment has captured the public's imagination and has been the subject of numerous books, films, and documentaries. In this episode, we will delve into the history of the Philadelphia Experiment, examine the technologies used, and discuss the impact and legacy of this mysterious event. Join us as we explore one of the most intriguing stories of World War II.

The Philadelphia Experiment, or officially known as Project Rainbow, was a top-secret attempt by the military to make a warship invisible. Invisible to radar, though. The year is 1943, right in the middle of World War II. Now, the experiment we’re assuming you've at least heard about involves the battleship Eldridge.

According to Bob Frissell, the technology that the military received for the experiment was from the Gray aliens, and their idea was that the US wanted to win the war with it. Project Rainbow is the forerunner of today's "stealth technology" as the plan was to create an "electromagnetic bottle" that effectively deflects radar waves from the ship. However, while the goal is for the ship "Eldridge" to disappear only from radar range, the experiment goes in a completely unexpected and sideways direction. It becomes invisible to everyone and temporarily disappears from space-time.

The experiment was developed by Nikola Tesla and Einstein, with Tesla himself in charge at the beginning. He insisted that the experiment be carried out without a crew, but his proposal was not accepted and he ended his participation and was replaced by Dr. John Von Neumann.

What the assigned team does is to trigger fields that spin counter-clockwise along with a few more steps involving the speed of light to go from one dimension to another. Or in another reality. What is seen is a red mist around the traveler and the colors are constantly changing from red to orange, yellow, green, blue, which is why it is called Project "Rainbow".

But when the colors start to flow into each other, the researchers panic and try to turn it off, only to make the situation worse and the ship crashes interdimensionally or disappears for a bit from our space-time. The Eldridge disappeared from the Philadelphia Navy Yard for about four hours and the ship also appeared in passages due to space-time and when it returned, it was transparent.

When it reappears the result is startling. Humans had left the physical universe and there was no known environment around to connect it to. On their return to port, some passengers were stuck in the bulkheads of the ship itself, some burned, some materialized and dematerialized, and some never returned at all. Those who survived were mentally disoriented and terrified. The interesting thing is that none of this became purposeful, because back then the concept of teleportation was not known to our scientists.

After spending considerable time in rehabilitation, the crew was subsequently released as "mentally unfit". The diagnosis "mentally unfit" proved very convenient in order to cover up their stories. This of course resulted in Project Rainbow being frozen, and while a major breakthrough had been made, there was no guarantee that humans would be able to survive further experiments.

It's interesting what happened to two crew members who started running at the start of the experiment. They jumped off the ship and started swimming, but when they reached land - they found themselves not in the harbor of Philadelphia, but on Long Island, New York - 40 years later in 1983. Their names are Duncan and Edward (later known as Al Bielek) Cameron. The reason is that the Project Montauk experiment was taking place at the same time and the two experiments were connected.

According to Al Bielek, there are 4 bio fields on planet Earth and all 4 come together at a peak every 20 years on August 12th. At these very moments, a sufficiently strong energy is created, with which a hyperspace world field is created, which causes the ship "Eldridge" to slip, if that is what we can call it, in space in 1943. Dr. John von Neumann, who led the experiment, was called to work on the Manhattan Project. He was associated with the atomic bomb, which became the weapon that ended World War II. Although it is not widely known, the extensive research that began with Project Rainbow was resumed in the late 1940s precisely with Project Montauk, with a hole opened in the time-space continuum.

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