
Thursday, April 06, 2023

A Real Look at Earth’s Technical Future

Planetary Dyson Sphere being constructed in Space. Courtesy of Ileana.

Source: Operation Disclosure Official | By Mark Baughman, Contributing Writer

A Real Look at Earth’s Technical Future
and the Path to the “Star Trek” Civilization!


For people who love change, embrace technology advancements; humanity and Earth will be like Candyland to them. For myself, I feel I missed out on the technology revolution from 1960’s to the 1990’s for I was not on the cutting edge of major consumer products. I was in the medical field and but did contribute. I will not miss out on the “Greatest Technology Shift on Planet Earth” this time. My job as a technical humanitarian is to take Earth’s Humanity into the “Star Trek Civilization” in the next 25 years! This will happen very soon, as a major shift of the planet Earth! The way we restructure our governments, banking, manufacturing and even our medical industry worldwide, will be for all, not just the people that have money. Real medical care will be free for all! Peace, harmony, and happiness for all. We will stop all poverty, homeless and hunger worldwide.

Understand, with NESARA/GESARA (National Economic and Reformation Act) and the QFS (Quantum Financial System) enabled, this will stop all corruption, drug money and money laundering worldwide. For the QFS system and see the corruption and stop it! NESARA is the release of money to the “people and not the governments”. Money will be release for humanitarian projects too. All countries worldwide will be a “Republic” government and not a democracy. This is what the “Founding Fathers” created at first. We can advance safely, without the Cabal interference, to the suppressed technologies after the QFS & NESARA.

Second, is we must share technology with all people and all countries, no more secrets. This is called “open sourcing” all designs. With money being released for humanitarian projects and to all people. We will not have to do it for profit. To do it for profit, does not work to an advance civilization. The people will learn quickly to cooperate for all advancements, even to the smallest of groups, if they want to manufacture something new.

The Technical picture of what it will look like in 25 years.

What some people do not know is that many new technologies that have graced humanity in the last 60 years, is “reverse engineering from crashed alien crafts”. All the major shifts; Vacuum Tubes to Transistors & IC’s, laser technology, computer age, many medical tools like X-Ray, A.I., Fiber optics, and even the advanced Apple Cell Phone was alien or our Star Brothers/Sisters technology. If you have a hard time with this news, please read “The Day After Roswell” by U.S. Army officer Col. Philip J. Corso. And please read the whole series of books by Dr. Michael Salla too. Gene Decodes videos are great technology truths too. Everyone can understand that governments hid this technology under the “cloak of National Security”, but most of the over 6,000 classified patents in America were really classified to keep the “old technology” like oil to line the pockets of the controlling elite. This is the same illuminati/cabal that is being taken down as our controllers. Of course, they would “allow the general slave population” to have high cost internet/TV cable or the cell phones with a large bill at the end of the month, for profit! These technologies objective was also to monitor us or brainwash us too.

Now for the list of the most important or urgent technologies coming after the “Great Shift”, listed in order of importance;

Celestial Chambers - Jared Rand’s and most people’s top priority. The general population health is mostly in the toilet. This has to be priority #1. The Alliance’s Med-Beds with frequency technology will be available first. Though, very good technology to much better health. From my briefings, the celestial chambers are the better and more comprehensive technology. One can get re-atomized in three minutes. The Med-Bed technology can take up to two hours depending on one’s health. We expect the Med-Beds available about six months after the shift and Celestial Chambers about one to 1.5 years after the shift.

Food Replicators and Broad-Range Replicators to make just about anything. Of course, there will be software to inhabit the making of a weapon like a gun. The mantra or rules of the New Earth is “to do NO harm”. We will be able to replicate flying cars (anti-gravity personal vehicles) our houses, food, clothes and furniture. Just about anything that is in the database. And we can update the database too. Understand, that the database will include “off-world” technology to advance Earth to the level of many of our Star Brothers/Sisters.

Real Clean Energy Technology – Top priority is the “Zero-Point Device” that can supply endless energy from the “Quantum Realm” in a compact box, smaller than a dehumidifier of today. The Air Forces TR3B flying antigravity craft, first made in 1981, has a zero-point device that produces a trillion watts of power, that is basketball size device. Wind, nuclear, dirty coal, and solar power will go by the Dodo bird, as these technologies should. We can rid ourselves of having power companies and wires to look at going down the street. The Zero-Point devices can supply electric power to road traveling cars that never run out of fuel or have harmful batteries. Of course, it can supply boats and anti-gravity crafts to NEVER burn fossil fuels too.

Anti-Gravity Personal Air-Craft – They will be powered with clean energy like the Military’s crafts too. The Anti-Scooters can take you in across the entire planet Earth in 15 minutes, by warping space-time. No need to worry you will have collisions either. It is all extremely safe. Recently, President Trump talked about vertical take-off vehicles for the general population and stated that twelve companies in America are working on this now. President Trump called these five new realities or objectives, Agenda # 47.

Automated Technology to clean our Earth and Waters Worldwide – I do know of drones that can go out and clean out the plastics in the Oceans and like. They just “de-materialize to an inert molecule that does harm to the environment. This can be done with past oil-spills even at the bottom of the ocean, to make the oil inert. Like the Deepwater Horizon oil rig was done by Dark Cabal elements with a World War II torpedo via a same era submarine. We have chemicals to make the oil inert to the environment too. We can clean our soil with similar technology too.

De-Materializing Trash and Water Waste – We have the ability to vanish toilet water and waste back into the “Quantum Realm”. This goes for normal trash too. The Food Replicators will have a recycle the solid waste, for example plates for food, back to “Plasma Energy” to be used in the next round of the Food Replicator.

Star Ships for Space Travel – Please understand, the U.S. Navy has had Star Ships since the 1950’s The Solar Warden Program for the Navy is well recorded. The U.S. Air Force produced an Anti-Gravity “Scout Ship” call the TR3B, but Gene has told me it is up the TR3G version now. You can find many video and pictures of the wonderful technology achievement on the internet. Please know, they have achieved “faster than light speed”, for I have a copy of the U.S. Navy patent, as proof.

Light Beams to carry Energy & Communications in your Galactic Home or Business – Many of the Science Fiction movies and TV show was done for “soft disclosure” of real technology. This was to bring up humanity to an understanding of the universe, even if they thought it was all “Fiction” at the time. This put the possibility in the mind, even though many people laughed at the real possibility. The light technology can be walked through without harm to one’s body. It converts the communication and energy particles to the “Quantum Realm” and converts back to the device that needs power or the communications, without a wire or plug in. Please watch the movie “I Robot” starring Will Smith, it shows these light beams.

Magnetic Levitation Trains – Yes, the illuminati have them underground, like the D.U.M. B’s (Deep Underground Military Bases). They have built tunnels everywhere all over the planet. I have been informed of speeds up to 1700 MPH; The mighty Alliance has taken down the underground network, and even saved the Maglev train tracks from New York to London and from Texas to China. One can see another version of these trains in the movie, “The Black Panther”.

Understand, with the benevolent Star Brothers/Sisters out there in the Cosmos are 100,000 years ahead of us in technology. They have already invented everything you can think of for life, and a clean environment. We just need to copy it, and use it. Another point with the Galactics is, and most importantly; Spiritual Relationship with Prime Source Creator or God, we humans have a lot to learn to be a part of the Peaceful Galactic Federation of Light.

Please, Get over it!! Yes, there is other intelligent Life in the Galaxy and the Universe. Would God “only place one intelligent life on one planet”? Human scientists have confirmed there is trillions of Suns, planets and solar systems out there. To be positive, it is an irrevocable truth, that there are other civilizations out there in the cosmos, and many have visited Earth, and some live among us. To be honest, only the human ego, the bad part of the human being, could come up, with “we are the only ones in the universe”, and “pound their chest like apes” that humans are alone! God, please help those people! There is evidence everywhere, and only the illuminati/Cabal control over educational systems & most religions have convinced some people it is true. 95% of the other Star Brothers/Sisters are benevolent and only 5% is malevolent. Both sides have helped or hindered humanities progress, but no more! Just the good ones are helping now! Humanity is going to the 5th dimension, with the help of God’s will! And thou shall be done!

We humanitarians are NOT alone in our quest for Technical Leaps. Many good companies have started manufacturing some of them. And many new technologies will be released starting in 2023. As humanitarians after the financial shift, we will work together to solve problems & work together to get a new product out. We are planning to share manufacturing on many needed items. We will get help form our Galactic friends, thank God. For their knowledge & experience will be invaluable! Everyone will share and help one another in the 5th Dimensional Earth. For the real mantra is “Service to Others”. Let peace, love, harmony and oneness be a part of everyone’s lives.

Source: Operation Disclosure Official

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