
Monday, April 10, 2023

Unexplained And Unsettling Encounters

Unexplained And Unsettling Encounters

Have you noticed so many strange things going on lately ? From unexplained phenomena, unsolved mysteries, creepy alien-like humanoid figures to mysterious encounters with creatures such as ones known as skinwalker or wendigo in this video I will show you unexplained and unsettling encounters that will most likely deprive you of sleep. Welcome to the Impossible channel where James LaFleur analyses the creepiest and the most mind blowing videos for your entertainment.

Mysterious UFO phenomena :
In the past couple of months there have been several strange sightings in the sky that have been baffling most people out there. And I would definitely say that this is because people nowadays have more access to videos being recorded and all that but, if we stop to pay attention these kinds of phenomena have been occurring since the distant past. There are paintings , photos and so much evidence of the presence of alien like space ships that it's almost impossible not to pay attention. But even so recently something strange drew the attention of many internet users. A star-like pattern has been seen in the day-sky more than once now and no one knows what it is.

Strange sounds in the sky ( the hum ):
You've probably heard of sky quakes. These types of phenomena have been occurring since the 1800s or at least documented since , but in the past few decades people have had the opportunity to record them on camera and then, all of a sudden in the 2010s it stopped. Now all of a sudden it started happening again , for some mysterious reason. And this time in completely different places a couple of days apart. But why ?

Scary Skinwalker or Wendigo encounters :
If you've been surfing on TikTok for a while now you've probably come across Wendigo or Skinwalker videos. They've been going viral for some reason lately. And I've been trying to understand why, is it because it's a trend or is it truly because people have had the chance of encountering such cryptids ? Motowens a tiktok account was riding his bike with a couple of friends in the woods when all of a sudden he started distancing himself from the group. When he reached a fallen tree he noticed something calling him, he replied back and this is when things get really scary

Unexplained Glitches in the matrix :
Yeah, I've watched the movie the matrix many times and I love it, but there's one thing in the matrix that made a lot of people think twice about reality and that was the deja vu scene where Neo sees the cat. Now deja vu's have been explained by researchers , however there are other types of glitches that no one knows how to explain. And this is the case with a very very bizarre and creepy video that was posted to TikTok of a man that is behaving in a completely strange and weird manner. Some say he is a humanoid or robot, others say it's an alien. Let's find out.

Paranormal and Ghost encounters :
Imagine having a good time with your family when all of a sudden the youngest one starts seeing something in one of the rooms and says : "hey there's someone inside that room". You go over and there's absolutely nothing there. Creepy right? Well this is something that happened with many people and Mallory was able to capture the event on cam. But if you think this is creepy wait till you see the story of a man who works at a haunted junkyard. Try to explain that one. These and many more strange videos and stories for your entertainment.

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