
Saturday, June 24, 2023

"I Was Inside a UFO!" - Ten Strange True Cases

"I Was Inside a UFO!" -
Ten Strange True Cases

There are many different types of UFO encounters: sightings, landings, face-to-face encounters, and of course, onboard UFO encounters. Of the many kinds of UFO encounters, cases of people going inside UFOs are among the most fascinating. These accounts contain the most information and tell us the most about extraterrestrials and their agenda on this planet.

A wide variety of events occur inside UFOs. While there are patterns, each case seems to contain new and unique details. There are many different types of extraterrestrials. And there are thousands (or perhaps millions) of these cases occurring across the world. Yet still there are more questions than answers.

This video presents six fascinating true accounts of people who have been inside UFOs. Each provides profound insights into the nature of the UFO phenomenon and ET contact, and shows exactly what it’s like to experience the closest of all UFO encounters.

CASE ONE: “THE SCENE THAT I SAW WAS HORRIBLE.” In May of 1950, Dr. Enrique Caretuno Botta was driving through the desert in Bahia Blanca, Argentina when he saw a landed silvery saucer by the dirt highway. Exiting his car, he walked up to the craft and saw that a door was opened. Curious, he entered the craft and was horrified to see three dead humanoids. He walked around and inspected the craft for about five minutes, but was freaked out and left. Returning the next day with friends, the craft was gone, leaving a pile of ash. But up above them hovered three UFOs. And Dr. Botta had his camera ready.

CASE TWO: “INSPECTED BY MACHINE-LIKE ALIENS.” Lee Parrish of Prospect, KY was 19-years old when he left his friend’s house at 1:00 a.m., on Jan 27, 1977. It was a short 7-minute drive home. But his journey was interrupted by the arrival of a UFO hovering over his car. He rushed home, only to find that he was missing 35 minutes of time. His eyes were sore and painful, the cigarette he was smoking was missing, and the electrical system of his car went haywire. Realizing his sighting was something more, he went under hypnosis and recalled being lifted into the craft where he encountered strange machine-like ETs who seemed very interested in him.

CASE THREE: “I CAN REMEMBER, BUT CAN’T SAY.” On the evening of Jun 20, 1977, Rachel Jones of Coeur D’Alene, ID woke up and found herself unable to move as a strange figure carried her out of her home. She blacked out and woke up with a bad headache and a weird mark on her shoulder. A short time later, while flying on a jet, she saw unexplained flashes of light and received a strange message of greeting. Realizing that something very strange was happening, she sought out hypnosis. She remembered being taken onboard a craft and undergoing a strange procedure, but she was compelled not to talk about it. At least at first.

CASE FOUR: “I WANT TO SPEAK WITH YOU.” On Sep 25, 1980, Elias Seixas de Mattos, his cousin Alberto Seixas, and their friend Guaraci Fernandes de Sousa took a thousands-miles-long road trip from Belem to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. While on the road, Elias received a weird telepathic message. Stopping their vehicle, the three men encountered a large glowing craft ahead of them on the highway. They then experienced five hours of missing time. Later, under hypnosis, Elias recalled being pulled onboard the craft where he met a seven-foot-tall ET.

CASE FIVE: “SOME WILL BELIEVE YOU, OTHERS WILL NOT.” On the evening of Aug 7, 1983, Julio Platner was opening the gate of a ranch in Winifreda, Argentina when he was struck by a beam of light. The next thing he knew he was lying naked on a table inside a small round room, surrounded by strange hairless humanoids with round bulging eyes. The ETs told him to have no fear, that they had taken thousands of people beside him and would cause no harm. Then began a very strange examination. After a short conversation, Julio was returned, only to find that he was now 8 miles from where he had been taken.

CASE SIX: “WE ONLY WANT TO SHOW YOU SOMETHING.” It was a warm evening in Jul 1988 when Carlos Manuel Mercado was woken up by a brilliant light shining into his home in Betances, Puerto Rico. Opening his window, he was shocked to see three hairless humanoids with huge dark eyes standing outside his home. Initially frightened, Carlos was reassured by the figures, who led him outside to a landed craft. The UFO took off towards and nearby mountain range and then traveled underneath it to an apparently underground base. During this time, Carlos met with a tall humanoid who had a special message for him, and a request.

Practically everything we know about UFOs and extraterrestrials comes from the firsthand cases of UFO contactees. And there are now enough cases on record, with all types of physical evidence to prove the reality of UFO contact. These cases leave little doubt that we are being visited and that the Universe is filled with life of all kinds.

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