
Tuesday, June 06, 2023

NASA Comes Clean on UFOs: Don’t Believe it

NASA Comes Clean on UFOs:
Don’t Believe it

Source: Operation Disclosure Official | By John P. Smith,
Apocalypse Watch Editor

Submitted on June 5, 2023

The headlines read: NASA Comes Clean in UFO Hearings!

Anybody who has done any research into the UFO phenomena will have a one-word response to the content of the headlines and the articles about the U.S. government disclosing information on actual UFO phenomena: Bull…Hilarious!

We’re talking about NASA and UFOs. NASA comes clean on UFOs…hilarious. Anyone who frequents the alternate-narrative threads on the internet knows NASA stands for Never A Straight Answer. They don’t talk about UFOs, much less answer questions about them. The FAA has historically denied any evidence of unexplained aerial phenomena and has destroyed careers and evidence to maintain that denial. And, of course, the Department of Defense has sponsored several investigations and studies with the express purpose of “debunking” and denying any such activity.

I always like to have at least two sources for anything I report or write about. A search reveals The Daily Mail, CNN, ABC and a plethora of UK and other world-wide articles on this “historic” conference. I wouldn’t call any of these sources credible, but they are what I have.

What I’ve found in most of the articles is a tongue-in-cheek approach to the whole UFO subject. Something we should all be familiar with. The claims by NASA, DOD and the FAA that they are shocked, mystified, that such phenomena even exists is what is so funny about the whole thing. After 80 years of UFO secrecy and denial, the idea that these organizations suddenly believe is both mystifying and stupid.

Don’t believe it. My message to NASA, the FAA, the DOD, and the CIA: Stop lying to us. Go back, try it again, and don’t treat us like we’re idiots.

Let me get a bit of a rant on.

These government talking heads and “experts” got on a stage and showed us some grainy footage of a grainy blob in the crosshairs of what has to be the worst video game to show its face in two decades. And they’re all amazed and surprised that such footage exists. Frankly, I am shocked and amazed that they seem to think this is new. This is the U.S. Navy, or Air Force, or Marine Corps we’re talking about here. They have the best equipment in the world. Including the best cameras. Don’t think for a minute this is anything other than a slap in the face to people who want to believe and have the poor judgement to trust the government to tell them the truth.

I don’t care if this footage is real or not. The point is that it is completely useless. This is NASA and the Department of Defense, with the best equipment in the world, and they chose to show us “footage” that could have been done better with an iPhone. Real or not, this footage is meaningless and raises more questions about the competency, and honesty, of the our government than it does about the question of UFOs. There’s plenty of evidence that UFOs are real and there’s plenty of evidence the U.S. government has been hiding and covering up the data for nearly a century.

This conference and the stupid, nonsensical evidence they presented did nothing but reaffirm that our government is making disclosure noises but isn’t serious about telling us anything substantial. For instance, don’t we have satellites that can read a license plate from space? Where are all the UFO photos and footage from those miracles of modern science? They can’t show us a picture of a craft the size of a football field floating over Phoenix? Do they not have satellite imagery of one of the most well-documented UFO events of the modern era? What do you think?

End rant.

What’s the real reason these government agencies — NASA, the FAA, and the DOD’s newly formed All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, or AARO — have changed their stance and decided to discuss these events in a public forum? Something in the official policy has changed. Also notable is the complete lack of any CIA input into this forum. Maybe that’s just a visible lack of input. They’re so deep in this quagmire that their secrets have secrets. My research indicates the CIA compiled and controlled almost all UFO data since the end of World War II. Where is the Criminal Intelligence Agency while other government institutions are spilling their UAP guts?

So what changed? Why “come clean” now? My take: Fear. The COVID operation failed and they need another avenue of control over the population. UFOs may be that avenue.

What we’re seeing is the Deep State, New World Order, banking cartels laying the ground work for a UFO scare operation in the wake of the faltering, failed COVID Pandemic fiasco. At this time, only the most retarded, brain-washed, indoctrinated idiots still believe the COVID operation was an actual pandemic and not an attack on the world population with a biological weapon. Anyone who hasn’t figured this out yet, let me lay it out: The COVID was accidentally released early, so we really didn’t get the full effect, but it was much like the yearly flu. The actual biological weapon is the vaccine.

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