
Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Time Unveiling 10-Member Family PICS and Messages-ET/Interdimensional Beings

Time Unveiling 10-Member Family
PICS and Messages-ET/Interdimensional Beings

1st TIME UNVEILING 10-Member Family Accurate Drawings & Messages from ET/Interdimensional Beings, with Elsa & Gigi Dillon Video/Audio/Written 2023 © Cosmic Brilliance/Merrily Milmoe. All Rights Reserved. Auto-generated Closed Captions (CC) in English, Spanish, French, German, Dutch & Arabic We are welcoming back Elsa, a professional photographer & mother of 8 amazing children, all with super abilities whom you’ve met in Parts 1 & 2. In this show, we will bring one of her daughters, GiGi on the screen to share 15 of her paintings of unique Multidimensional Beings who posed for her. The Dillon girls have drawn over 300 Extraterrestrial and Multidimensional Beings that have been visiting their family daily. This mother-daughter tag-team will be sharing the PREMIERE of these Unique Being paintings, so you will want to watch the video version to see them. Enjoy!

• Off-World visitations are day-to-day normal for family
• Time to speak now because the world has changed
• 8 children are homeschooled – describe their daily life
• Hypnosis revealed their contact goes back to conception & Mission
• 2017 Craft Experience: Elsa went for “10 & back”
• Returned as a full activator for all 8 children to become fully awake
• Richard, husband - is stable, holds ground, and doesn’t get ruffled
• Beings come thru & want to be presented in a normal, playful way for New Seed children
• Past 2 decades - children connect with all living beings in nature
• Elsa felt compelled to start documenting her experiences
• Beings & Cosmos wants you to Acknowledge Big Picture & Release Fear
• Kids swim with sharks: Important practice is EYE CONTACT w/ humans & animals
• Eye contact provides a lot of subconscious downloads
• Oversoul=Higher Self= Inner Child= Innocence
• Ascension is the goal
• 2020: realized it’s time to share multi-galactic & multi-realm Beings
• Dillon Family demonstrates you can do it all & live consciously as well
• Working thru life flexibly & willing to change made parenting & marriage easier
• Aunt Dawn made Elsa read “The Hobbit” & nurtured magical thinking & Fae
• Aunt took her to indigenous & Celtic sacred sites in short outings & taught her
• 2-3 yrs. old, she had a dragon friend who talked with her & protector
• Lesson: Close off ‘The Rules’ and what others have told you &think of you
• Fear is taught. Our younger girls do NOT have fear. They untaught us …
• GiGi: multi-talented, shares her experiences: astral travel, clairvoyance, sleep-walking
• ‘Labeled kids’ are attracted & souls want to touch GiGi’s tummy
• People come to their ranch and feel better
• Beings she draws telepathizes & brings through Light Codes, songs, colors, memories
• Stars outside talk with GiGi & faces in rocks, elementals
Pictures of 1st Beings:
• Andromedans – 3 groups
• Navia w/ Light Language (Avians) Mantis
• Animals see energy before humans
• Timeline Lt. Language of History
• Old Time Program is complete – Now No Time & New Time

YouTube link:

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