
Sunday, July 30, 2023

Psychic Insights into Alien Beings and Their Technology

Psychic Insights into Alien Beings
and Their Technology

A lot of people experience strange ‘other worldly’ occurrences in their lives but don’t have a context through which they can understand them. It was therefore a boost to many seekers to have Guy Steven Needler speak to us next to share his insights into the real nature of ‘aliens’. Through his own psychic revelations and intuitive understanding of his chosen subject, Guy explained in detail and with very helpful clarity what he believes these various types of creatures and their quite phenomenal craft actually are.

Their modus operandi and abilities, ultimately peaceful in intention, were discussed with a reassuring confidence and Guy left people with a lot of very fascinating material to consider about an area that, once full disclosure becomes impossible for the authorities to avoid, may yet prove to be one of the most important topics in human history. Guy brought a welcome centered, spiritual quality to a subject that concerns much more than just nuts-and-bolts flying objects.

YouTube link:

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