
Saturday, July 01, 2023

Saved by Aliens! Twelve Benevolent Encounters

Saved by Aliens!
Twelve Benevolent Encounters

Saved by aliens! Helped, healed, rescued, there are many cases on record where ETs have intervened to help those in need. While a close encounter can be scary, it can also be a Godsend to those who are in trouble. This video presents a dozen cases in which UFOs and extraterrestrials showed up just in time. These include sightings, face-to-face encounters, landings and onboard UFO experiences. The cases reach back decades. They come from all over the world and have occurred to many all kinds of people. With all the fear and confusion surrounding ET contact, these cases are profoundly important and show that some ETs do have our best interests in mind.

SEP 27, 1959: COOS BAY, OR. Leo Bartsch had been suffering from an undiagnosed problem with his arm, causing pain and numbness. Then, in the middle of the night, he found himself floating above his bed, and sensed that a UFO was over his house. Moments later, he was lowered to his bed, and realized to his delight, that his arm was healed!

1960s: TN. The head of Project Blue Book, Edward Ruppelt reveals that the Blue Book office received a letter from a mountaineer in TN who says that a strange round glowing object came into his living room and healed him of chronic arthritis.

APR 1971: VA. In a letter to NICAP, a prisoner in the Southern Correction Facility in Lucasville, OH related an amazing story of how a UFO may have helped him. The man was being chased by the police when a UFO dropped down from the sky and hovered 150 feet over his head. The prisoner felt a telepathic rapport with the UFO and had a sense of being watched. Then the UFO began to follow him.

SEP 22, 1972: DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. While driving along a remote highway, Virgilio Gomez was flagged down by a gentleman. Exiting his car, he was shocked to see two other tall, strange-looking figures, and behind them along the road, a landed UFO. The man who flagged Virgilio down said his name was Freddie Miller, and that he had been lost at sea 13 years earlier, but was rescued by the ETs.

1979: SOUTH VIETNAM. A soldier and his fellow soldiers had become separated from their main unit and pinned down by a group of Vietcong soldiers. They had given up any chance of getting back to their unit when, without warning, a massive blue saucer hovered over the Vietcong soldiers, causing them to scatter.

1980: THE CARIBBEAN. French singer, Antoine, had moored his boat on a small island. Waking up in the middle of the night, Antoine was horrified to find that his anchor had broken loose, and he was now at the mercy of the waves. He was lost and heading for a coral reef. That’s when a UFO appeared right over his boat, grabbed ahold it with a strange force and pulled it to safety.

APR 10, 1982: COOKE CITY, MT. Snowmobiling in the mountains, Mr. H. was overcome by a blizzard. Looking up, he saw a bright blue sphere overhead. Unable to hear it over the storm, he thought it was a rescue helicopter, especially when it began to lead him out of the wilderness. Instead, it led him to a group of snowmobilers who were lost and needed help.

APR 1983: ALICE SPRINGS, AUSTRALIA. Maggie Hite (age 73) had suffered from arthritis for years when a UFO landed in her backyard. Out stepped short humanoids who escorted her onto their craft and healed her. Her physician was shocked to find her totally healthy.

AUG 1985, MILBANKE SOUND, BC, CANADA. Randy Morrison and Leonard Egolf were sailing in the ocean and got caught in a fierce storm which capsized their boat. They clung to the hull until the waves threw them into the sea. Leonard was never seen again. Randy was on the verge of giving up when a glowing object appeared overhead, giving him encouragement to hang on a little longer.

DEC 1988: WATSONVILLE, CA. When Ann Desoto and her boyfriend encountered a landed UFO, they didn’t realize that they had missing time until they returned home. But Ann did notice a strange mark on her hip. And strangely, the arthritis in her hip had disappeared. Later, under hypnosis, she recalled an onboard experience where she was healed by the grays.

OCT 1989: USA. Retired military officer Dolores Galvin was shocked to see a tall dark figure enter her bedroom and lean over her bed. In his hand he held a strange silver pencil-shaped object, which he applied to her arthritic shoulder. Dolores felt a floating sensation and then passed out. When she awoke, her arthritis was gone.

SEP 27, 1993: CORDILLERA TAJSARA, BOLIVIA. Lost in the mountainous wilderness, hiker Robert Suarez Molina thought he was a goner. Little did he know, rescuers were searching for him and kept seeing unexplained lights. Then Robert himself saw a UFO land. A humanoid exited the craft and let him know he was about to be rescued.

These cases reveal a friendly side to the ETs that is often overlooked and ignored. But the cases speak for themselves. The proof is in the pudding. People do have benevolent encounters.

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