
Thursday, July 13, 2023

SPY in the SKY: Secret and Cover-ups on Mars, our Moon, Antarctica, Ocean floors, Space Missions

SPY in the SKY:
Secret and Cover-ups on Mars, our Moon,
Antarctica, Ocean floors, Space Missions

Mary A. Joyce joins Cliff Dunning, the host of the Earth Ancients podcast, to discuss her book 'SPY IN THE SKY,” in which she details, secrets and cover-ups on Mars, our Moon, Antarctica, ocean floors, NASA missions, and near the Sun.

Mary A. Joyce has worked for two major metropolitan area newspapers as a feature editor, Sunday magazine editor, columnist and artist. She even worked undercover during a Detroit mob investigation. Today, she writes books, magazine articles and is editor and main researcher for the SKY SHIPS OVER CASHIERS website ( which features a wide variety of cutting-edge subjects. It was through her research for that website that she discovered SECRETS and COVER-UPS the United States government wants to keep hidden from the public.

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