
Saturday, July 08, 2023

When UFOs Land and Humanoids Come Out: Ten True Cases

When UFOs Land and Humanoids Come Out:
Ten True Cases

All UFO encounters are interesting, but perhaps the most fascinating cases where UFOs land and humanoids come out! Here are ten cases of UFO landings from all across the world including the United States, Brazil, Australia, Italy, Spain, Norway, Finland, Scotland, France and England. They span over a period of five decades. They involve a wide variety of humanoid figures. Many are multiple witness cases. Almost all of them involve some form hard evidence such as landing traces, animal reactions, electromagnetic disturbances, psychic effects and physiological reactions. Some include government involvement and even disturbing threats from apparent men in black.

JUL 23, 1947, PITANGA BRAZIL: Topographer Jose C. Higgins hears a high-pitched hum. Suddenly a metallic craft lands next to him and out come three beautiful ETs were weird spacesuits. Jose founds himself surrounded by them. To his relief, they appear to be friendly. Feeling fear, he retreats and watches them from a distance as they begin playing like small children.

AUG 1960, NEWCASTLE, NSW AUSTRALIA: Helen Aldridge is awakened by a buzzing noise coming from outside her home. Looking out the window, she sees a craft shaped like a toy top landing in her backyard. Out steps a humanoid dressed in an olive-green jumpsuit. To her shock, it climbs over her fence and approaches right up to her window.

JUL 31, 1966, PRESQUE ISLE STATE PARK, PA: When their car gets stuck in the sand, Gerald LaBelle goes for help, leaving behind Betty Klem, Doug Tibbets, Anita Haifley and her two children. Without warning, a UFO lands in the forest next to them. Police arrive and leave with Doug to investigate. At this point, a huge hairy humanoid emerges from the forest and attacks the car. Before long officers from Project Blue Book arrive to investigate.

AUG 29, 1967, CUSSAC, FRANCE: When 13-year-old Francois Delpeuch and his little sister Ann-Marie (age 9) go to retrieve the family cows, they come upon a huge glowing sphere and four small humanoids walking around beneath it. When they approach for a closer look, the strange beings notice the two children and begin floating one by one back into the craft.

FEB 5, 1971, KINNULA, FINLAND: Two forestry workers (Peter Aliranta and Esko Sneck) get the shock of their lives when a UFO lands next to them in the forest. A small 4-foot-tall being emerges and approaches Peter. When the being turns around to enter the craft, Peter rushes forward and grabs the ET by the foot. It’s a decision that he will regret for a long time.

NOV 14, 1976, WINCHESTER, ENGLAND: Joyce Bowles is driving home. Her friend Edwin Pratt is in the passenger seat. They are concerned to see a UFO dropping down from the sky ahead of them on the road. Suddenly their car steers itself off the road. When they finally get it to stop, they see a UFO blocking the roadway and humanoids looking out the windows at them. Then one emerges from the craft, walks right up to them and stares at them fixedly. Their strange adventure has only begun.

MAY 18, 1977, ELGIN, SCOTLAND: Karen McLennan and Fiona Morrison (both 10-years-old) are playing near their homes when they hear a soft humming noise in the woods. They go to investigate and come upon a landed craft. Standing next to it is a tall slender man dressed in a silvery jumpsuit. As the man walks towards them, the girls flee. When they turn around, they see the craft flying off. But when they get home, they learn there are more witnesses. And then the threats start coming in.

SEP 18, 1978, SAN GIORGIO DI NOGARO, ITALY: Railway employee Giorgio Filiputti only wants to enjoy a quiet day of fishing. But it’s not to be. He hears a strange noise and an odd breeze. Going to investigate, he comes upon a landed craft. A weird 4-foot-tall humanoid looks surprised to see Giorgio approach. He stares at Giorgio and begins to work on apparently repairing his craft.

NOV 24, 1978, GERENA, SPAIN: When four young men go hunting along the Guadimar River, they get a lot more than they bargained for. Seeing strange lights in the forest, they come upon a landed UFO and a 7-foot-tall humanoid. The strange figure starts walking towards them. When it gets too close, the men run away in a panic. Later, strange land-traces are found.

JUL 25, 1981. STJORDAL, NORWAY: Hjordis Hokstad wants only to enjoy her morning coffee and watch the wild deer in the field behind her house. Instead she sees a landed UFO and a weird humanoid wearing a spacesuit walking around the craft. She grabs her binoculars and gets a nice close look. Little does she know, her neighbor is watching the whole thing from his house.

There is no more room for denial. The evidence for the reality of UFOs and extraterrestrials is here for those with the courage to examine it. We are not alone! We are only one of many different humanoids in a universe teeming with intelligent life.

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