
Saturday, August 12, 2023

Five Amazing Humanoid Encounters

Five Amazing Humanoid Encounters

The UFO phenomenon is one of the most persistent and perplexing mysteries of modern times. But is it still fair to call it a mystery? Or do we know what UFOs are? Sightings can be misidentified. But when someone experiences a landed UFO and humanoids, the chances of misperception are negligible. These cases make it very clear that we are dealing with humanoids, people like us, but from beyond Earth. These are the cases which teach us the most about the UFO phenomenon, how it manifests, where ETs come from, why they are here, and their agenda on this planet. These five cases, spanning many decades, and coming from across the planet, answer many of the questions surrounding this subject, and show just how amazing and transformative UFO contact can be.

TURKEY’S FIRST UFO CONTACTEE. In December of 1948, Behcet Ocal was only 15 years old when he became a UFO contactee. He was shepherding sheep near his home in Nigde, Turkey, and a glowing UFO dropped down and landed next to him. Out stepped three unusual humanoids, two males and a female, who told him not to be afraid, and that they would be contacting him in the future. One of them reached out and touched his shoulder, causing him to pass out. In the days and weeks that followed, Behcet was visited many times and given profound information about the nature of the universe.

THE ALIEN IN THE FACTORY. One of the most amazing humanoid encounters in UFO history occurred at the Ika-Renault Factory in Santa Isabel, Argentina. On the morning of September 21, 1972, factory janitor Teodoro Merlo opened the company washrooms and was puzzled to find one of the lights burned out and the room unnaturally hot. Then looking at one of the washbasins, he was shocked to see a 7-foot-tall humanoid figure looking at him. One day later, another factory worker, Enrique Moreno was delivering papers when he came upon the same humanoid, causing his 3-wheeler to malfunction. Later, he would see the figure again. The next day, another employee, a truck driver had an encounter with the same being. Unknown to any of them, multiple workers and even people outside the factory also saw the humanoid and UFOs too.

THE SIDEWAYS ALIEN. It was the middle of the night in December 1993, and Monsieur VM of Vilvoorde, Belgium woke up to relieve himself. He noticed an eerie green light shining in through the kitchen window, and looked outside, was shocked to see a short humanoid figure wearing a helmet and jumpsuit walking through his yard. The witness shone his flashlight at the being, which turned around, gestured at him, then proceeded to walk sideways up the 9-foot-tall brick-wall in the backyard. Moments later, a glowing craft with a transparent dome rose from behind the wall and hovered for several minutes, before darting away. Nobody else saw the event, but VM had encounters both before and after this, and both times, he did have witnesses.

“THEY WALKED LIKE ROBOTS” On the evening of May 27, 1977, three 14-year-old boys were hiking in the fields near their homes in West Pittsburg, CA. Without warning, a massive craft with red lights and portholes darted back and forth and then landed right next to them. Then three tall shadowy beings exited and began to walk towards them. The boys fled the scene. To their shock, the entities followed them, chasing them at high speed for several blocks through the suburbs. The encounter attracted leading researchers, such as J. Allen Hynek, who called it one of the most credible humanoid reports of the year.

TWELVE BEINGS APPEARED. It was a late August night in 1979 when Carol X, a resident of Gateshead, England noticed a strange orange light shining in through the window. Parting the curtains, she saw a brightly lit craft hovering near her home. It darted away, but moments later, a tiny UFO entered her bedroom and released a swarm of tiny lights which descended upon her. It was the beginning of a series of strange events, including an incredible visitation by a dozen short humanoids which crowded into her bedroom, and were soon seen by other family members. Then the high strangeness continued to escalate.

So many people all over the world having extensive encounters with ETs. The coverup is ending. Disclosure is happening. The time for skepticism is over. The truth of the ET presence can no longer be denied. Now it’s time to accept the fact that we are not alone and try to determine how we can engage with these visitors to our planet.

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