
Friday, August 11, 2023

Nuclear Fusion and String Theory: The KEY to Alien Visitation and Interstellar Travel?

Nuclear Fusion and String Theory:
The KEY to Alien Visitation
and Interstellar Travel?

A major stumbling block in the acceptance of alien visitation on our planet is the vast gulf between the stars that any civilization would have to cross to get here to earth. In this talk we discuss a methodology that is not too far away technologically that would allow this visitation by an alien species. In addition, this same technology could eventually allow us to travel interstellar. Pulling concepts from string theory this propulsion methodology could be the way that an alien civilization uses to go between the stars. Developments at our nuclear laboratories with fusion reactors, along with milestones at particle accelerator facilities have been leading the way toward this new technology becoming available. In this talk we will cover how the sky was Characterized from Babylonians through William Herschel to today’s fantastic orbiting observatories. Then we will explore in layman’s terms some of the fundamental particles in physics that give us clues that this type of technology is right around the corner. Finally, we will explore a couple cases with very compelling evidence that we are currently being visited. As a matter of “belief”, everyone by and large believes that we are not alone. This talk will give attendees a way to answer the questions: how can they be here? How would they get here? And lastly, are they here?

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