
Sunday, August 06, 2023

The Mystery Of Atlantis: The Truth About The Lost Civilization You Were Never Told | Part 1

The Mystery Of Atlantis:
The Truth About The Lost
Civilization You Were Never Told |
Part 1

The lost continent of Atlantis - the most enigmatic mystery of all times. For centuries, the story of this mythical civilization has captivated the imagination of people around the world, with tales of advanced technology, great wealth, and untold treasures waiting to be discovered. But was Atlantis just a legend? Did it really exist? And if so, what happened to it?

It is not by chance that we have been so intrigued by the legends of Atlantis - because in a certain sense, our current race and civilization begins from the time of Atlantis.

But where does the myth of this mysterious sunken island come from?

One of the most famous and early mentions of Atlantis comes from the Greek philosopher Plato. Around 360 BC, in two of his dialogues - "Critius" and "Timaeus", Plato gave a detailed description of a country on a fertile land that he called Atlantis. He describes it as a vast island, which before sinking around 10,000 BC, was located in the Atlantic Ocean, beyond the "Pillars of Hercules," which are generally thought to refer to the Strait of Gibraltar. His knowledge of Atlantis most likely came from Solon, an Athenian lawmaker and philosopher who, around 600 BC, on a trip to Egypt learned of a great civilization that had existed 9,000 years earlier.

The subject of Atlantis fascinated Plato, and it is believed that in order to learn more, he consulted with students of Pythagoras (582–500 BC) and others who were familiar with the ancient mythological, historical and geological knowledge. Undoubtedly Plato received some of his knowledge from initiates who were members of secret brotherhoods guarding the ancient histories. In the past as you know these mystery schools kept wisdom from the uninitiated as it helped ensure the safety of knowledge during danger. For most of his life Plato refrained from writing about Atlantis. Only as he neared the end of his life did he pass on his information about the sunken continent in an attempt to ensure that the lost civilization's history is preserved.

Do we know what the Atlanteans looked like?

Theosophical teaching describes the fourth race as giants. Although their bodies were reduced in height compared to those of the Lemurians, they were relatively taller than us, and this gave rise to numerous legends of cyclops and titans mentioned in many ancient traditions. According to Blavatsky, the Atlanteans were the race that reached the pinnacle of physical development. She says: “Then came the Atlanteans; the giants, whose physical beauty and strength reach their culmination, in accordance with evolutionary law…” In principle, the Atlanteans possessed a third eye, developed during the Lemurian race, which had spiritual functions. In time, however, with the improvement of the human structure, the materiality and the corruption of mankind, the third eye gradually disappeared. Edgar Cayce, the famous psychic and healer also talks about life in Atlantis. Most of its information relates to the last 20,000 years of the civilization's existence, but it also gives details of the early stages of development.

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