
Thursday, September 07, 2023

Global Collateral Accounts | NESARA/GESARA, Sovereignty

Global Collateral Accounts |
NESARA/GESARA, Sovereignty

By Ron Giles who is part of the Alliance!

Definitions: " Global Collateral means all Vessels (as in Children) defined in each of the Vessel Mortgages, ..."

"A Mortgage is a loan that uses a specific type of collateral, normally Real Estate, to secure a loan."

"Strawman" is a legal fiction that comes into play from the Bond that is issued when a child is born and given a Certificate of Live Birth.

What is a "legal fiction?"

"A legal fiction is a fact assumed or created by courts which is then used in order to help reach a decision or to apply a legal rule." (Strawman)

What is a Bond?

"Bonds are issued by governments and corporations when they want to raise money."

What does this all mean? Let us explore the history of the USA, Inc. to find out what travesty they did to our Constitutional Freedoms and the ownership of us and our Children.

In the dead of night in 1861, and on a weekend when most legislators had retired, the USA Inc. began the bankruptcy of America to put it into receivership. All Assets of the USA, including the people, were collateralized to secure a fraudulent loan whose interest-only payments had to be paid in Gold. The gold payments were made until 1933 when the gold ran out and FDR capitulated to the USA Inc. and put America into bankruptcy. From that time on, all people and their children were owned by USA Inc. Is Fort Knox empty? Did VP Pence see any gold when he visited Fort Knox?

What does this really mean? The fact is parents do not own their children. Parents are left to take care of them and train them etc., but they do not own their children. Can you understand why the liberals do things to children without permission from their parents? They deny our ownership of children and proceed to do things as they want.

When a child is born, the Hospital issues a certificate of Live Birth. That certificate is the instrument that the Government uses to collateralize a Bond that can be sold on the dark web. The value of the Bond is established by a set of circumstances about the parent’s value. Education, workforce experience, heritage, etc., are data that give value to the future of the child. The Bond for the Child is represented by their Strawman, a legal fiction that represents your child or you, as a Bond. The value of the newborn is very low as a financial asset, but it is bought and sold so that as the child grows up, is educated, and becomes successful, the value of the Strawman Bond increases. It is sold back and forth in batches of bonds which produce income for the bondholders. The Central Banking System is the financial backbone of the Strawman Bond market.

Children who graduate from Universities like Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and other select Universities create a higher value for the Strawman Bonds. Foreign Universities are also in the mix as the Strawman Bonds grow in value all over the world. (Any country that has been bankrupt is a player in the system, which includes every nation in the IMF)

The Technical aspects of the ways to account for the growth of any Strawman anywhere in the world is a technology that few know about, but it is there and does a great job of doing what it was created to do. Keep in mind that the Cabal has access to any extra-terrestrial entity's technology that supports them.

To be a member of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) a country has to have gone through a bankruptcy to be able to print its currency, according to the Federal Reserve, which is active in all 190 countries that are part of the IMF. From the casual look of the IMF, bankruptcy is required for funding. But for those who have knowledge of the Strawman Child Bonding regime, we can now see why governments all over the world think they own us and our children. It is all about money, but they legitimize the whole system by naming them the Global Collateral Accounts. In the GCA, each child has a bond account that gives value to the government or Corporation that owns the Bonds.

The National Economic Security and Reformation Act, NESARA, will replace all governments of the world. Please do not be deceived, NESARA must be Announced Publicly, by every country who wants to be part of the Quantum Financial System. This means that their government must be replaced by a new Governance System that contains the NESARA Laws. This means every country must be NESARA/GESARA compliant to be part of the new worldwide economic system. It means that to activate NESARA/GESARA there must be a Public Announcement in each country all over the world. This has not happened so do not listen to anyone that says NESARA/GESARA has been activated until you hear the public announcement that NESARA/GESARA has begun. Probably the Emergency Broadcast System for each country in their own language.

When referring to NESARA, anyone who uses the word "Recovery" instead of "Reformation" and gives intel that this system has taken place, is either uninformed or is a Cabal Shill. It is REFORMATION, not Recovery. You’ll find Recovery in many of the Google searches on NESARA. That is all Cabal disinformation. That’s precisely what those liars do.

NESARA is explained in a document you can find here: GESARA stands for the Global Economic Security and Reformation Act. Same laws as NESARA but is for the world.

So, what are the Global Collateral Accounts? They are Bond accounts for Baby Bonds which are bought and sold for money. It all goes away with NESARA for America and GESARA for the rest of the countries of the world. This is just an additional expose of the atrocities of the Cabal.

Welcome to the real truth.

Ron Giles

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