
Saturday, September 30, 2023

If You Call Them, They Will Come: Three True CE-5 Cases with Humanoids

If You Call Them, They Will Come:
Three True CE-5 Cases with Humanoids

There are many different kinds of UFO encounters. Sightings, landings, face-to-face encounters, onboard experiences, and more. Cases can be broken down into categories such as close encounters of the first, second, third and fourth kind. Then there are close encounters of the fifth kind, or human-initiated encounters. This unique category can contain all the other types of encounters, but is differentiated from them because the encounters themselves are the result of humans reaching out to ETs. Cases like these are important because they show that humans can develop an interactive relationship with the UFO phenomenon and the ETs. This video presents three extensive true cases of CE-5 contact that go beyond simple sightings and resulted in actual face-to-face contact with extraterrestrials.

SOMETHING NOT OF THIS EARTH. In Jun of 1996, Jeneva Sterling drove to a remote location in the mountains of Santa Clarita, CA to seek answers about the many issues in her life. Depressed, she screamed out to the skies, “Why is life so crappy?! Why am I here?!” At that moment, a brilliant light appeared behind and moved towards her. Soon it was close enough to see it wasn’t any conventional craft. In fact, it was almost totally silent. Then it hovered directly overhead and beamed her with light. Thinking she was about to be abducted, Jeneva collapsed to the ground and trembled with fear. The beam retracted, but the strange light stayed overhead, making a low buzzing noise. Jeneva had never been so scared in her life, but soon her fear began to pass, and the object moved closer. Jeneva began to speak to it. Before long, her fear left and she realized that the UFO was not going to hurt her. In fact, the whole experience became deeply moving and spiritually transformative. The object remained there all night long, communing with Jeneva and totally lifting her out of her depression. When sunrise came, the UFO zoomed off. Jeneva, however, was forever changed. She became interested in UFOs and remote viewing, and began having vivid dreams of being onboard a UFO. And then, one day, the UFO returned.

A LOVE LIKE NEVER BEFORE. Hector Sawiak had never seen a UFO. But in Mar 2015, he heard about sightings near his home in San Juan, Argentina. He decided to go out hiking and try to have an encounter. Unfortunately, nothing showed up. But that night, after going to bed, he woke up to hear his name being called in his head. He jumped up and went to the window in time to see a brilliant UFO streak across the sky. He was amazed. Had the UFO occupants woken him up to show their craft? A few months later, Hector was asleep in bed when the room filled with light. Waking up, he was terrified to see two tall ETs standing in the doorway. They were slender, with dark eyes and large bald heads, and wore olive-green jumpsuits. “Don’t be afraid,” they said. “We are not going to hurt you.” Hector’s fear evaporated and instead, he felt “a love like never before.” One of the ETs approached his bedside and said, “I have come to heal you.” Hector cried with intense joy and gratitude as the ETs gave him a tiny pill and told him to swallow it. The next thing he knew, it was morning. Hector knew his life would never be the same.

IN THE COMPANY OF EXTRATERRESTRIALS. In Apr 2015, 14-year-old Abdiel saw the TV show, Hangar One, all about UFOs. The subject immediately intrigued him. UFOs were real? He could hardly believe it. If they were real, he thought, he wanted to see one. One week later, he was in his backyard in Puerto Rico, when a bright light caught his eye, a golden-yellow object was moving across the sky. It was a UFO! Abdiel was amazed. He had expressed a desire to see a UFO one week earlier, and then one had appeared. That couldn’t be a coincidence. Before long he had another sighting. This was followed by weird knocks on the window of his home. Shortly later, he was amazed to see a strange circle in his backyard, just as if a UFO had landed there. Later he found another strange mark in the grass that looked like an ET head. Could the ETs be trying to contact with him? A few days later, Abdiel got his answer. Going into his backyard to inspect the marks on his lawn, he was shocked to observe a strange humanoid run across his yard. It was short, brown in color, with a large triangular-shaped bald head and big, dark, round eyes. It was an ET. Soon, more sightings would follow, and this time, his camera was ready.

These three cases all qualify as close encounters of the 5th kind. In each case, people reached out to the ETs and received a dramatic unmistakable response. These cases show just how closely ETs are watching over all of us, and that if a person asks for contact, they can initiate their own encounter and experience the UFO phenomenon firsthand. These three cases are covered in detail in my book, “Humanoids and High Strangeness: Twenty True UFO Encounters.” Now available!

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