
Saturday, October 14, 2023

More Strange Humanoids: 15 True Cases

More Strange Humanoids:
15 True Cases

We are not alone in the universe! In fact, the evidence shows that Earth is being visited by a wide variety of humanoids. There are too many cases to ignore. Here are fifteen accounts where people have had face-to-face encounters with extraterrestrial humanoids. From the 1930s to the 2010s, these cases come from all over the world. They involve multiple eyewitnesses and are supported by compelling evidence such as photographs, landing traces, electromagnetic disturbances, animal reactions and physiological effects. These cases have volumes to teach us about the UFO phenomenon and the ET agenda on our planet.

THE ALASKA ALIEN PHOTOGRAPH. In the early 1930s, an anonymous man was hiking through the forest in Alaska and saw a strange humanoid figure. As the figure fled into the woods, the man chased it and managed to snap a very intriguing photograph.

WARTIME UFO & HUMANOID. One night in Nov 1943, Lavenia Sledge stepped outside her home in Escondido, CA and saw a UFO with portholes hovering 15 feet above her home. Inside she could see two humanoid figures. She called her husband and son, who saw the object and figures.

“THEY LOOKED HIDEOUS.” It was 3:00 am on Jul 3, 1955 as Margaret Symmonds drove along Route 129 near Stockton, GA and saw four strange figures standing in the road. As she drove by, she saw that they were not human. One of them looked right at her.

THE ET IN THE TREE. When Hector Davis woke up in the middle of the night on Aug 25, 1968 while camping in Townsville, Australia, the last thing he expected to see was a four-foot-tall humanoid wearing a one-piece gray uniform standing in a tree looking down at him.

“THEY ARE MARTIANS!” When three teenagers became stranded in their car at a reservoir near Trois Rivieres, Canada in late Jul 1969, they saw a glowing saucer. To their intense fear, eight glowing humanoid figures exited and surrounded their car, trying to get inside.

“IT WAS BEAUTIFUL.” On the evening of Nov 22, 1973, Mrs. JP of Joliette, Canada woke up to smoke a cigarette and noticed a bright light shining in through the window. Looking outside, she saw a beautiful humanoid figure staring back at her. Meanwhile, other people in the area saw UFOs.

THE DAW PARK HUMANOID. Late at night on May 30, 12976 Trevor White was in his home in Daw Park, South Australia when his radio became staticky and the dog outside began to bark. Looking out the window, he saw a humanoid in a silvery uniform looking back at him, speaking a strange language.

“IT WAS NOT HUMAN.” When four men took a wrong turn while driving late at night on Jan 2, 1978 in Rainford, England, they were confronted by a 7-foot-tall humanoid wearing a glowing spacesuit. When the spaceman began to walk towards them, the men panicked. But the car wouldn’t start.

“MY LIFE BECAME HELL.” Around 9:00 pm on Sep 17, 1978, Rivo Faralli left his mother’s home in Torrita de Sienna Italy only to have a UFO drop down on the road in front of him. Two short humanoids came out and began walking around his car. They seemed more interested in his car, than in himself.

THE SILVER MONSTERS. On the afternoon of Oct 2, 1978, four young boys hiking in the Groendal Nature Reserve in Rhodesia, Africa, were astonished to see a landed UFO and three silver-uniformed humanoids walking by them. One carried a suitcase like object. Another stopped and looked right at them.

MONK-LIKE ALIENS. On the morning of Jun 20, 1986, Cesar Locatelli was out hunting bees near his home in Menetrux-en-Joux, France, but instead came upon a landed flying saucer. The craft was transparent, and inside, he saw six hooded figures studying something on a table. Then one turned in his direction.

CAT-LIKE EXTRATERRESTRIALS. On Aug 31, 1987, Randy Springsteen and Dennis Mauer were playing on the swing-set by their home on the Bangor Naval Base in Bremerton, Washington when a UFO appeared. Inside they saw cat-like humanoids. Then it emitted a beam of light on them, lifting them off the swing.

“I HAVE NEVER SEEN ANY SUCH BEINGS IN MY LIFE.” At 12:30 am on Jul 9, 1996, police officers Marian Mancu and Marcel Rusu of Cercesti, Romania were shocked to see a craft hover above the road. Out stepped three humanoids with elongated skulls.

THE ALIEN IN THE WHEAT FIELD. Just before dawn in Jun 2005, a farmer was bicycling to his mother’s farm in Scalenghe, Italy when he saw something strange: a tall humanoid with bulging eyes standing next to a floating sphere. Frightened, he biked away as fast as he could.

“I WAS COMPLETE FROZEN.” On Dec 29, 2013, Madame L was petrified to see a glowing saucer hovering over the garage of their home in St. Zenon, Canada. Two weeks later, on Jan 14, her husband entered the garage and surprised a very unusual-looking humanoid doing a very strange thing in his garage.

Skeptics can no longer claim that there is no evidence. UFOs are real, and extraterrestrials are watching over us very closely.

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