
Saturday, October 07, 2023

Ten Truly Strange UFO Encounters

Ten Truly Strange
UFO Encounters

So many UFO encounters! Each case adds to our knowledge of UFO activity and the ET presence on our planet. This video presents ten unique UFO stories from all over the world. Sightings, landings, face-to-face encounters with humanoids, and even one account of a little-known UFO crash. These cases provide compelling evidence for the reality of the phenomenon. How many documented cases will it take before humanity accepts the fact that we are not alone?

BRITAIN’S EARLIEST HUMANOID? In the summer of 1901, Frank (age 10) was walking near his home in Bournbrook in West Midlands, England when he saw what looked like a metal hut sitting in a field. Out stepped two short humanoids wearing gray jumpsuits and helmets with antennae. One of the figures gestured for Frank to keep back. With no idea of UFOs or ETs, it would be years before Frank understood what happened.

DEATH VALLEY UFO CRASH. On Aug 19, 1949 two prospectors, Buck Fitzgerald (age 73) and his friend Mase Garney were in Death Valley when a silver flying saucer zoomed overhead and crashed into the desert floor. Two short humanoids jumped out, saw the prospectors, and took off running. Buck and Mase chased them, but soon lost sight of them. Returning to the crash-site, the saucer was gone!

CAUGHT IN THE SPOTLIGHT. Around 7:00 pm on August 19, 1949, Sgt. Donald Berger shone an 8-million candlepower searchlight into the night skies of Norwood, Ohio for a publicity stunt for a festival. To his and everyone’s amazement, a glowing disc appeared in the searchlight beam. One month later, it happened again. And over the next year, eight similar incidents followed. Something truly strange was happening over Ohio.

A FOILED ABDUCTION. Early one evening in June 1960, the children of Mr. and Mrs. LeMarquands were playing outside their home in Thompson in Manitoba, Canada when a whirlwind began to swirl around them. Looking up, they saw a strange craft. Then one of the children rose from the ground toward the UFO. One of the neighborhood boys quickly grabbed the girl, preventing her from being pulled into the craft.

CHASED BY A UFO. It was 5:00 pm, Aug 24, 1967 as Ron Hydes drove his motorcycle south of Wodongo, Australia. Suddenly, a blinding light shone from above. Stopping, Ron was amazed to see a metallic saucer landed along the road, along with two silver-suited humanoids. One of them beckoned for him to approach. Terrified, Ron hopped on his motorcycle and fled. To his dismay, the UFO began to chase him.

THE ALIENS IN FRONT OF THE HOUSE. On a Sunday afternoon in Oct 1974, Alain and Patrick were driving out of their hometown in Aisne, France and noticed five very strange-looking short figures. They were four-feet-tall, wore robes, and had yellow skin, long black hair and enormous round black eyes. One of the figures waved for the two witnesses to come closer. Frightened, the witnesses drove off.

“DON’T LET IT GET ME!” Around 10:30 pm on Oct 28, 1976, Richard Britt and his son Richie returned to their home in Lake View, SC and saw a strange light whizzing over the trees. Richard went inside, but Richie remained outside. Then the light reappeared and suddenly zoomed forward, stopping only feet away from him. It was a saucer and looking at him through a large porthole was a strange creature.

THE ITALIAN ROBOT. Around midnight on Aug 31, 1977 and two students were walking outside of Sturno, Italy and noticed some strange lights alongside the road. Then they saw a giant silver robotic figure. They ran back to town and got more witnesses. Frightened, all the witnesses fled and got even more witnesses, beginning an encounter with a landed UFO and a silver humanoid that would leave the citizens of the town in shock.

THE ETS IN THE VILLAGE. When night arrived on Sep 1, 1978 in the small village of Llanerchymedd, Wales, many residents of the town noticed a strange object in the sky. Without warning, the object landed in a nearby field. Shortly later, three humanoids exited and began to walk around. As more and more people in the town witnessed the spectacle, panic swept through the town. Police were called. But the encounter wasn’t over yet!

THE SAUCER ON THE BACK PORTH. Around 4:00 am on February 7, 1981, Cindy Gaffney was woken up in her home in San Francisco, California by a loud buzzing noise. To her shock, she saw that a UFO had landed on her neighbor’s back porch. She woke up her husband who also saw the craft. She called the police, but they didn’t believe her or didn’t care.

These ten truly strange UFO encounters are just a tiny sample of the huge number of cases from all over the world. They show how complex the UFO phenomenon is, and the many strange things that happen when ETs make contact with humans. The truth can no longer be denied. The evidence speaks for itself. We are not the only intelligent beings living in this universe, and many of them are regularly visiting our planet.

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