
Saturday, November 11, 2023

Landings, Humanoids & Onboard Encounters: Ten True Cases

Landings, Humanoids & Onboard Encounters:
Ten True Cases

Preston Dennett:

When UFOs land and people have face-to-face encounters with humanoids or are taken onboard a craft, we find ourselves at the very heart of the UFO phenomenon. While sightings are undeniably fascinating, the answers to the many questions surrounding this subject lie with direct contact. These kinds of cases contain the most data and show us exactly what it’s like to have close interaction with extraterrestrials. This video presents ten cases coming from across the globe, spanning several decades, and involving many different types of humanoids. These cases provide the kind of evidence that cannot be ignored or explained away, including landing traces, electromagnetic disturbances, medical effects, animal reactions and more.

ITALY’S FIRST HUMANOID? On Aug 14, 1947, Luigi Rapuzzi Johannis was hiking in the mountains near Raveo, Italy when he came upon a landed saucer-shaped craft. Standing next to it were two of the strangest figures he had ever seen. Attempting to communicate, he found himself being struck by a beam of light and unable to move. The ETs approached him, then retreated into their craft and departed.

A UFO IN TROUBLE. On the evening of Apr 24, 1950, Bruce Facchini stepped outside his home in Varese, Italy to investigate strange flashing lights. To his shock, he came upon a landed craft and human-looking figures who appeared to be trying to repair it. Not yet realizing that these figures were ETs, he asked if they needed help. They struck him with a beam of light, knocking him to the ground. Later, he found evidence at the site.

ENTITIES EXAMINE A FACTORY. One night in 1967, the supervisor at a rubber factory in Goshen, Indiana was called outside by a fellow employee and saw a large craft hovering low overhead. Through the windows, they saw strange figures looking down at them, apparently inspecting the factory. After only a few moments, the craft moved away. But the witnesses remain convinced they saw a genuine UFO.

ETs AT SEA! On Jun 27, 1970, the Machado family and a friend were enjoying lunch on the balcony of their home overlooking the coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Seeing a splash in the water, they saw a silver saucer landing on the surface of the ocean just offshore. And inside they saw two short figures. The encounter had only just begun.

THE VIRGINIA GIANT. On evening of May 16, 1971, three high school students decided to go camping in the fields near their homes in Passapatanzy, Virginia. “Mike” was alone at the campsite with his dog. Suddenly a UFO landed right next to him, and out stepped a giant figure. When it walked towards Mike, he told his dog to “sick ‘em!” The figure quickly fled to the craft, which took off. But two days later, the UFO came back, this time at Mike’s home.

ETs ON THE ISLAND OF FUR SEALS. On Oct 28, 1972, a group of military personnel were staying on the Isla de Lobos off the coast of Uruguay. One of them went to check on the lighthouse generators, and came upon a landed craft and three strange humanoids. The officer pulled his gun, only to find himself unable to move. The UFO and occupants quickly departed, but news of the encounter would go to the top of both the Uruguayan and US governments.

“IT CAN’T BE HUMAN.” Around 2:30 am on Oct 24, 1974, Mrs. R Heitfeld was woken up in her home in Covedale, OH by a light shining in her window. Looking outside, she saw a UFO and a strange ape-like creature standing inside it. She woke up her son, and called the police. Even though the craft and occupant were still there, the police refused to come.

THE TINY DOLL-LIKE ALIENS. On Sep 3, 1976, a grandmother and her niece were walking in Fence Houses, England and came upon a landed craft and two doll-sized ETs. They found themselves unable to move and experienced possible missing time before the craft suddenly left. The next day, the witness experienced a very odd incident in her home.

TRUCKER ABDUCTED. Nothing could have prepared trucker, Harry Joe Turner, for what happened on Aug 28, 1979, while driving his truck along Route 17 outside of Winchester, VA. A huge craft came down and lifted his truck into the air. Harry found himself being examined by ETs, and taken to another planet. His strange adventures had only just begun.

ET PHONE HOME. On Jul 4, 1989, David D was driving in Tbilisi, Georgia (in Russia) when his car engine failed and he felt compelled to walk to a certain location. To his amazement, he came upon four figures, nearly nine-feet-tall, and a landed craft. He was taken onboard and given an examination and shown very advanced ET technology.

These ten cases provide only a brief glimpse into the many thousands of ET contact cases that have been occurring across our planet for many decades. They show that we still have a lot to learn about UFOs and about ourselves. They also make it very clear that we are not alone, and that many different types of life abound in this infinite universe.

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