
Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Stargate Newsletter: Med Beds Are Here At Last

Med Beds Are Here
At Last

November 13, 2023

Med beds. Saying those two words out loud brings a smile to my face. I am sure you can relate to it. It seems that the many rumors swirling around are true. Med beds are now available for public use in Germany and will soon arrive in Canada. Awesome news.

Great little interview excerpt from Light Warrior actor Roseanne Barr, a big supporter of President Trump. Enjoy. (1' 23" video)

Meanwhile the bubble is bursting for disillusioned South American migrants - they are fleeing USA and heading back home.

San Francisco Mayor Newsom (doesn't look like him...) shows his cynicism in this short clip about cleaning up San Fran ahead of visiting APEC delegates, including China (16" video).

Yesterday's post meme of a reporter performing CPR on the C virus is true. Check out this sensationalized West Australian newspaper story designed to hide the TRUTH. That TRUTH? WA doctors are refusing to administer the death shot to children because they know that children don't get sick from the C virus and are far more likely to die from the shot. Good on them, finally.

This morning I was chatting to a fellow walker - we often have friendly chats about life in general. She confided that a family member had health issues. I know the particular issue is directly connected to the jab. Yesterday she had said that the family member was 'pro jab'. So today I gently (and bravely) introduced the connection between the jab and the health issue, backed by (real) science.

Surprisingly, she was not surprised. She had obviously heard similar stories. She said that she and her family members stopped at three jabs. It seems that most young New Zealanders stopped at two jabs, middle-aged people stopped at three jabs. Sadly, the elderly just kept right on going, believing that boosters would protect them from 'the illness'. Unfortunately turbo cancer is now a tragic reality in our elderly population, affecting previously robust healthy people.

Finally, a fascinating video of hidden pyramids all over the world. I would add Mt Fuji in Japan, Mt Taranaki in New Zealand and the many Antarctica pyramids to this list (1' 50" video).

As the above video confirms, none of us on planet Earth know the 'reality' of the paradigm we inhabit. Before we dig into the TRUE history of this beautiful planet, we need to first mop up the current rather spectacular mess. Judging by the latest intel, it seems that the Alliance (on and off planet) is doing a magnificent job of destroying the [D]eep [S]tate.

Each day is another day closer to full victory and liberation of humanity. Always remember it, Light Warriors. Also, always remember that YOU are doing the very best you can. You are working under-cover in a war-like environment, even if your immediate surroundings seem benign. Bravest of the brave.


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Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light

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