
Saturday, December 16, 2023

Amazing Alien Encounters: Ten True Cases

Amazing Alien Encounters:
Ten True Cases

It’s one of the most mindboggling experiences a person can have: a face-to-face encounter with an extraterrestrial. And yet thousands (if not millions) of people have had this experience. And yet, it is still not fully accepted by mainstream society. Thankfully times are changing as governments across the world begin to acknowledge the ET presence. And yet, they are still discussing only UFO sightings and ignoring the cases of direct contact. This video presents ten amazing cases of landings and humanoid encounters of all kinds. Cases from across the planet, spanning many decades, involving multiple witnesses and a variety of evidence.

A PEACE THAT PASSES ALL UNDERSTANDING. One day in Aug 1944, Mrs. E.M. Church had a day off from her nursing duties at Cashmere Sanatorium in Christchurch, New Zealand. She was hiking in the area when she came upon a landed craft and three odd-looking humanoids. She hoped to speak with them and get a ride! But as she approached, they fled into their craft. The aftereffects were as amazing as the encounter itself.

UFO LANDING WITH HUMANOIDS. On Mar 18, 1950, Wilfredo H. Arevalo was driving near his ranch at Lago Argentino, Argentina, when a craft with a transparent dome landed nearby. Inside, he saw four pale-skinned humans wearing cellophane-like jumpsuits. They shot a beam of light at him, and then took off. The next day, Wilfredo found burned grass where the craft had landed. Also, many people in the area also reported seeing the craft.

THEY WALKED OFF INTO SPACE. On Oct 8, 1968, four people in Asbestos, Canada were puzzled by a greenish glow in the sky. Suddenly a flying saucer emerged from the glow and began to move off. Two of the witnesses followed it as it moved away. But two of the witnesses stayed at their house and were amazed to see humanoid figures exit the craft and walk into empty space.

THE ALIEN IN THE ORCHARD. It was lunchtime in Aug of 1973 for farmhand Edmond Cardoso de Oliveira at a farm in Nova Friburgo, Brazil. To his amazement, he saw a silver, egg-shaped craft landed in the orchard. He walked up to the craft and suddenly a door opened. He found himself face-to-face with a 3-foot-tall humanoid. Edmond fled. He returned with more witnesses, but the craft was gone.

THE THREE-FOOT-TALL HUMANOID. On Oct 19, 1973, a family of three was shocked to see a glowing red UFO hover over their farm in Copeland, NC. The wife screamed and pointed to the ground. Standing before them was a 3-foot-tall humanoid in a golden metallic suit. They fled in their car and refused to return until the next day. They left their dog, but he also ran away and didn’t return until the next day.

ETS FROM A PHONE-BOOTH-SHAPED UFO. On Oct 29, 1976, six boys were playing near a local cemetery in Barakaldo, Spain when they saw a strange object descend into a walled-in field. Two of them ran to investigate and saw the craft on the ground. Out stepped two tall figures. One walked up to the wall, knocked on it, and then pulled out a laser-like device and shot at it. The boys fled in fear.

ETS LIKE TOY SOLDIERS. Around 3:00 am on Dec 31, 1976, Nellie Richardson was awakened in her home in Bignall, England by a loud bang. Looking outside, she saw a huge oval-shaped object hovering in the fields outside her window. It stayed for nearly 40 minutes. As it began to move away, she saw little humanoids inside, moving back and forth. Her son came home just in time to watch the object move off.

ETS VISIT TRANSMITTER STATION. On Oct 18, 1977, Kurt Nilsson was testing out his ham radio by the transmitter station on Hemliden Mountain, Sweden. It strangely malfunctioned, and that’s when he saw a landed UFO and three very short humanoids. He tried to flee, but they aimed a strange device at him and stalled his car. Afterward, more strange events occurred.

THE BABYSITTER & THE ALIEN. In Feb 1981, a 17-year-old girl babysat at her neighbor’s house in Greensburg, PA when a UFO hovered outside. It was close enough that inside, she could see two humanoids with large bald heads and weird eyes operating a strange console. She felt entranced by them, but finally fled inside, when the electronics of the house began to fail.

RUSSIAN ROBOTIC ETS. Around 2:30 pm on Jul 6, 1989, a group of six children watched in shock as a spherical UFO landed near their homes in Kharovsk, Russia. The craft separated and out stepped a tall, robotic-like figure, which walked across the field. Then another UFO landed and another ET came out. This happened a third time! Then a fourth UFO landed. The strangeness had only begun.

These ten cases provide a tantalizing and intriguing glimpse into the subject of extraterrestrial visitation. They represent only the tip of the iceberg of the countless of other encounters that have happened across the planet. There are too many cases to ignore. The evidence speaks for itself. We are not alone!

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