
Saturday, December 30, 2023

Extraterrestrial Rendezvous: Five Amazing Onboard UFO Encounters

Extraterrestrial Rendezvous:
Five Amazing Onboard UFO Encounters

Onboard a UFO! It’s the closest of all UFO encounters. It’s the most extensive, and perhaps the most interesting. It also contains the most information. In cases like these, the witness is not just seeing a UFO, they are inside it, surrounded entirely by the UFO phenomenon. Onboard UFO encounters allow little room for misperception. This video present five amazing onboard UFO experiences. In each of these cases, the witnesses were not only taken inside a UFO, they had long interactive conversations with the ETs themselves. These five cases come from all over the world, span four decades and involve a wide variety of humanoids and compelling physical evidence.

A MESSAGE TO HUMANITY. On the night of Apr 10, 1962, Mario Zuccala was walking to his home in San Casciano, Italy when he felt a blast of air behind him. Turning around he saw a 32-foot-wide flying saucer land nearby. Out stepped two short humanoid figures covered from head to toe in shiny metallic suits. They grabbed Mario and pulled him onboard the craft. Inside, he saw nothing but bright light. The ETs told him that they have a message for all humanity, which they will give to him later. Mario later had further encounters, but never revealed what the ETs told him.

“WE ARE HERE TO HELP.” On the evening of Jun 23, 1967, Paulo Coutinho (age 17) was walking home from school in Aricanduva, Brazil when a glowing orb dropped fell the sky and landed in front of him. The orb dimmed to reveal a 3-foot-tall humanoid who pulled Paulo into the sky and up into a huge craft. Inside, Paulo was examined by ETs and held a long conversation. They told him that no harm would come to him, that they were visiting Earth to help, that God is real, that humanity needs to become peaceful before they can show themselves, and much more. Returned to his home, Paulo learned that he had been missing for 20 hours. Following the encounter, his stuttering problem disappeared. He also learned that his mother had seen a UFO on the day Paulo was born.

“YOU ARE PROGRESSING AS PLANNED.” At 11:45 pm on Feb 10, 1981, Kathy (a medical professional) was driving to her home in Renton, WA when a glowing craft appeared above her car. Alarmed, she drove the short distance to her apartment, only to find that the UFO had followed her home. She ran to her front door, only to discover that she had missing time. Later, under hypnosis, she recalled being taken onboard a craft and examined by gray aliens who told her that she was doing well, that they were pleased with how her father had taught her, and that they would meet again. She told her father what happened. He wept and told her that he had been taken three times by the same ETs.

“YOU ARE TOO OLD.” In the early morning hours of Aug 12, 1983, 77-year-old gardener, Alfred Burtoo set out for a fishing trip along the banks of a canal in Aldershot, England. To his shock, a UFO landed nearby, and out came two 4-foot-tall humanoids dressed in shiny green suits and helmets. They walked up to him and gestured for him to follow them onboard their craft. Inside, Alfred saw rounded walls, a central column, and a strange beam of light. They instructed him to stand under the light so they could examine him. Afterwards they turned to him and said, “You can go. You are too old and infirm for our purpose.” Mildly disappointed at being rejected by the ETs, Alfred exited the craft, which promptly took off. Alfred later called it the greatest experience of his life.

“WE ARE YOUR FRIENDS.” One night in the 1990s, Sharon Beals was in her home in the USA when she saw odd lights through the skylight. At the same time, her 2-year-old daughter, Kelly (who had been complaining of monsters and “sky monkeys” entering her room) came running in. Without warning, both woke up to realize that hours had passed. Sharon discovered that her eyeglasses were bent so badly, they were now useless. Knowing she had been taken again, she went under hypnosis and recalled being taken onboard a craft. Inside she saw gray ETs who told her that they were her friends, that she was safe, and did she want to help save the planet? Sharon saw her daughter and several other people onboard the craft before being transported through the ceiling of her home and into her bedroom.

These five cases are just a tiny fraction of the actual number of onboard encounters, and yet they provide an accurate representation of what it’s like to be taken into an alien craft and interact directly with extraterrestrials. They contain both unique elements and fascinating commonalities. They answer many of the questions surrounding the UFO phenomenon, and also provide compelling evidence for UFO reality. They show how complex and bizarre UFO contact can be, and how it is both transformative and enlightening to those who have the experience. And most importantly, they make it very clear that humanity is not alone in this amazing and infinite universe.

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